Kingdom Hearts II I just noticed...

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by Radiowave, May 8, 2008.

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  1. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    first off, im back. (yay)
    anyway, I noticed that almost all square enix main character have "died" in their stories at some point, and one of the female main character's have brought the main character "back to life." Based on the games' universe though, they have all died in different ways...
    Spoilers Included.

    1. Cloud: Advent Children/Crisis advent children he was shot...and in crisis core he was stabbed. He survived the crisis core stabbing (lol) but in advent children I believe Aertih brought him back to life...
    Vincent: vincent wasnt really brought back to life by a girl...but...hes undead...literally...

    2. Leon: Stabbed by an icicle...brought back to life by Rinoa...this may be wrong, but I know for sure Leon dies and Rinoa brings him back to life at some point...

    3. Tidus: Well Final Fantasy X-2 is all about 3 girls on this quest to save this one guy...hes trapped in might have been dead or "away" I dont know...still follows the same pattern though

    4. Sora: we all know this one...sora looses his heart, and Kairi brings him back...I believe kh is too "kiddy" to explain death without saying "fade back into darkness."

    I just found that pattern...I was bored...its weird when you think about it. Strangely enough, all of the guy main characters who died were in the kingdom hearts series at one point, major role or not...
  2. Xoras_32 Moogle Assistant

    May 6, 2008
    ( . )( . )
    yey!!! I'm the first one to reply in this thread!!!!1 WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.....
  3. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    You can also notice they all have BLUE eyes, are invincible, have two or more "love interests" (and the "main one" ironically almost always having the same hair style as one and other), spiky hair no one can achieve, have a "belt" focus, weapons way too big for the job and have some of the most 2-D/low-profile supporting female characters on the face of the planet (who also happen to be the "main love interest" and must be saved at one point or another for some lame reason).

    Cloud: Aerith/Tifa - Aerith dies, Tifa needs to be at least saved from Loz. (My memory on FF7 is extremely fuzzy.)

    Squall/Leon: Rinoa/Quistis - Rinoa gets captured more times then I care to count, so does Quistis, Rinoa also happens to be one of the most annoying stereotypes of a girl in all of history (in my humble opinion).

    Tidus: Yuna/Rikku/Lulu (you can pick one but the main focus IS Yuna) - Yuna gets captured and has about as much personality as her summon staff, Rikku is one of the few likable characters created, she has pep and enough will to power the Machina of Spira, Lulu has about as much emotional depth as that is as practical as her clothing, if you're going to be a guardian, a helpful hint would be to wear clothing that IS clothing not a collection of BELTS strung together to look like clothing.

    Sora: Kairi/Namine - I don't -care- if Namine is Kairi's Nobody, Namine is a freaking -improvement- in the personality department. Both were captured, Kairi's "hostage status" being more numerable of the two. Namine actually does a good job of being actually treated as if she was in the care of villains unlike Kairi, so I actually like Namine enough to say she is a likable character.

    PS: Disney is not too kiddy to explain death, look at Ansem the Wise. And that fade into Darkness business is probably how death works in their world. Look at every boss and enemy and "normal people" they disappear, kinda like the OTHER enemies and bosses in the OTHER FF games.
  4. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Wow... that is really saying something especially for someone without emotions.

    By the way... Square knows the formula to make the perfect hero.

    Although... its not always the love interest.

    Take for example, Ramza/Alma, Don't get me started... the ending cutscene alone just checked all those bullet points of both list, except Alma is his sister.

    Delita/Ovelia, Delita fakes his death, then saves Ovelia from multiple assassinations.

    Cecil/Kain/Rosa (if you played the story... its not so yaoi), Cecil is reborn as a paladin. Then he saves Rosa, and Kain from the clutches of darkness... several times.

    But if you look... the formula works in almost every franchise. A couple of the newer Zelda franchises features Link as being reborn somewhere in the middle of the story, and he always saves princes Mary Sue... I mean Zelda.
  5. 00Roxas00 剛情のロクサス

    Feb 22, 2008
    Yeah, i see that alot in anime's to^^;
  6. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    That first line, you didn't read the part that preceded it did you?


    That means you didn't catch the other meaning. *cough* Anyway. I was commenting on the four the first poster brought up, you on the other hand are bringing up FFs (Tactics and pre-FF7 I'm assuming) I have honestly never played those, what with playing FF7 (the "best one") and not being impressed I haven't really found much motivation to play the other FFs (I played FF8 first, FFTA, found some enjoyment in it, then FF7 and THEN FFX -it was not as well-received as the others-, so I took a shot at the one "nobody seemed to like," and was once again disappointed with that one). Out of ALL of them, I enjoyed FFTA for the GBA the most because I could create an army of Moogles.

    As for the perfect formula of a hero, hell no, they may be "perfect" on paper but they suck in practice (in my opinion). They brood enough to make me not give a damn about any of them (in the case of FFX I wanted to help Sin destroy Spira and it's miserably poor characters), and they have to be coerced into looking outside of their emo corner to do anything (which is creative the first time around, but they whine for stupid reasons, "my dreams were dashed as a child, but I'm an awesome mercenary now, BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER," "my sister went away, and despite having the best mommy figure on the face of the planet, I just couldn't COPE despite how well everyone else did, oh woe is me that I didn't have a family- yet I can find it within my dead heart to love this air headed woman" and "cry cry my daddy called me bad names and he went away, but CRY CRY, THE NAMES from nearly a decade ago!" etc. and YEARS after these "traumatic" experiences they STILL brood about it, sorry but that doesn't FLY). They also lack (from what I've played mind you) the ability to act very human at all, they're too wrapped up in toting around their over sized weapons to act human (for a good half of the game), their minor characters and NPCs behave in a more humanistic manner, and I don't know about you, but I can't really enjoy a cast which is more bland than the nameless people that wonder around in the cities you're supposed to save. True they have one or two likable characters in their pool of 6+, but that isn't a very good percentile considering the weight of the story (as well as the later/moving parts of the game where you aren't doing things to "save the world" but save your party member or some such plot device) is dedicated to finding out more about these characters.

    For those curious the characters I found most interesting were: FF7 = Cid, FF8 = Zell, FFX= Rikku and Auron, FFTA: Montblanc.


    Also I find the Legend of Zelda franchises cannot be held to the same criteria as Square's RPGs as Link is a silent hero and the respective heroes of each of their FFs clearly have their own (weak shreds of) personalities as they are constantly expressing how sad and against things they are. Another is that Zelda is almost always a princess who gets to inherit certain powers that come with her being royalty, there is nothing very Mary Sue about that. It's like saying because you get a hand-me-down car from your parents you are a Mary Sue. :\

    On a similar note to pre-argue any "Kairi supporters," the difference between Zelda and Kairi being princesses is that Zelda was born into her royal blood, and Kairi is *chosen* by her bland character- I mean PURE HEART, to BE a "more special than a normal princess" princess.
  7. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    ?! If you ask me, the girl heroes from FF SHOULD be like Zelda! Look at how she was in windwaker! She fights alongside you! Zelda has a much better personality than kairi...or namine...
    I think the female characters who have the best personalities in the ff series are from final fantasy 10 and 10-2...but thats it
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Zelda is bland, yes. Moreso in the very recent games. She did have a spurt of interesting character. For Tetra (WW) and Sheik (OoT) but she has degraded recently. Hell, Twlight princess in my eyes was not a Zelda game, but a Link game.
  9. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    I don't know if someone said it already,I stopped reading the post and decided to reply lol

    They were all saved by someone they loved, or were really close to,which ever you prefer.
  10. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    Cecil Kain and Rosa was one i enjoyed alot. IMO II/IV was the best one they made, and i enjoyed the story more than VII in places.
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