I just had a nightmare

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Stardust, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Basically, my friends and I formed a band and signed up for the school talent show, but never practiced. When it came time to go up and perform, they all still seemed willing to go up there anyway (I specifically remember one saying we'd 'wing it')... But I decided to make an an announcement that we wouldn't be performing to save us from complete embarrassment, so I went up on stage. I had forgotten my school clothes that day and was in my pajamas. When I got up there, we didn't even have proper equipment (Only thing I remember, the 'drums' was a plastic box lid with some drumsticks). So I went up there in my pajamas and told the entire school that we won't be playing, and someone recorded it with a camera. Then it became an internet meme via 2chan. Not 4chan. 2chan. I woke up directly afterwards, despite my alarm not set to go off for another two hours or so.

    I wonder if it's symbolic of something... All of the people in the band are members of my real-life band, and we never ever pracitce, and we're planning on maybe playing something for the talent show at the end of the year. >>

    Anyway. Just thought you guys should know. I... Think. ._.
  2. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    It's happened. You're in a band and you know that at some point you're going to have to entertain a room full of people. HOWEVER, this is EXACTLY why you should be practising your ass off.

    I've been in a Ska/Punk band for the past 3 years, and I STILL feel anxiety whenever I have a show on. It was especially bad when we had our first show. I mean, how many high school kids do you think listen to Ska music? But, I don't let this get to me because I practise every day before ed and when i wake up. Guitar is like brushing my teeth to me and I always feel reassured whe I put on a performance.

    Anyway, this is about your nightmare, soooo.......take some Nyquil and have a good nap?
  3. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    o__o Oh man. The thought that my band might actually, like, practice is actually kinda scary in itself.

    I do practice on my own, but we've never ever practiced together and I don't know how much my friends practice xD. But I do need to practice more I think.

    And yeah, I think I will, but I'm going to stay up for a few minutes first >>;. I still don't know wtf brought that dream on. The band was the last thing on my mind when I went to sleep.