Holy shit. Everyone needs to go see this show. Now. Your life is not complete until you do it. I mean... Holy shit. ._.
Old yes, but I liked it. <: @Identity Theft - ...I didn't read the manga, I watched the anime, but uh... He was... ...I'm not really sure how to describe him. He seemed to get less obnoxious later. When he wasn't important anymore.
I watched it. I really didn't enjoy it. Too much of it seemed cheesy in a way :| The manga was pretty cool, though
Embalming was better in my opinion but I think it got unceremoniously cut from whatever magazine was running it.
It kinda poked fun at itself (well more than KINDA but whatever), but later on I felt it got quite a bit more serious than it started out. I thought s-CRY-ed was much cheesier than Buso Renkin, and I liked that too, though not nearly as much... Maybe that's why I was able to get into it easily =/. It all boils down to personal taste, really.
Yeah, you did, we talked about it back in like July. xD I've yet to watch the anime, but I've read the manga twice or so. Not Watsuki's best work by far, but still doesn't get enough recognition. Though it can never beat out Kenshin. c: