I hypnotized a hot girl in real life...

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Destiny's Force, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    And before you ask, no, I do not have pictures to prove it. It wasn't exactly planned.
    [I almost wet myself from excitement]
    It just happened unexpectedly. I'm so stunned that I don't remember what happened...
  2. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    How'd ya do it? o_O *takes out notepad* lmao
  4. RoxaSora2010 Nulla è reale. Tutto è lecito.

    Dec 29, 2007
    I got lost on the road of life
    Lol, how did you do that? O_o I wanna details if you don't have pictures...
  5. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    ... O.o ...
  6. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    It is actually quite easy to hypnotize someone but be careful if you do. If you forget to erase your commands(ex. bark like a dog when I say pie) then that might stick with them for a while.
  7. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    BUT HOW!!! TELL US!!!!! *sits with the other thousands of guys on this forum around fifth so she may tell us her and Destiny's secrets*
  8. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    lol, what kinda "stuff" did you do THIS time? >=)
  9. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    lol ALRIGHT I'll tell you. Get ready cuz this is kinda confusing sometimes. Ok here we go:
    1. Hold two fingers (index and middle) in a V shape. Hold your fingers about a foot above their forehead, and tell them to look up and focus on your fingers without moving their head up. This should result in their eyes having to look up. Make sure your fingers are in a position so it is not impossible for the person to see.
    2. Ask the person to breathe in and out as you move your hand up and down, they should naturally breathe in as your hand moves up, and out as your hand moves down. You may say "and breathe in" and "and out" as you move your hand up and down. You should do this about 5 times before moving onto 3.
    3. Tell them that they will close their eyes when you pass your hand down in front of their face, repeat the request, and continue step 2 another two or three times, although ideally they should not know how many times.
    4. Suggest to them that they should relax their eyes as much as they can, relaxing every muscle around the eyes, so much that, even if they wanted to, their eyes are so tired, they will not work. Then ask them (after about 30 seconds of telling them how relaxed their eyes are, to try to open their eyes, and find that they can't. Tell them "OK and stop trying now, and just carry on relaxing" after about 5-10 seconds of trying.
    5. Tell them that, when you ask them to, they are going to open and shut their eyes, and when they shut them they are going to "send a wave of relaxation right across your body, so that it is as relaxed as their eyes are already, relaxing twice as much as you are already". Then tell them to open their eyes on the count of three, say "one, two, three, open your eyes; and shut them", do this three times increasing the relaxation each time (suggest that they will relax ten times as much the second time, and twenty times as much the third time.
    6. Tell them that you are going to pick up their right hand, and that "at this point, if you have followed what I have asked you to do, it should be really limp, loose and relaxed, like a rag" or something to that effect, and that when you drop it in their lap, they will feel a wave of relaxation throughout their body.
    7. Do the same with the left hand
    8. Repeat above two steps
    9. Tell them that they should now be as relaxed as they can be physically, and that now you want them to concentrate on physical relaxation. Tell them that when you ask them to, you want them to start counting down from 100, in this way "100, deeper relaxed, 99, deeper relaxed, 98, deeper relaxed" and that after a few numbers, they will find that they forget what the next number is. They will make the numbers disappear from their mind, because it has become so relaxed.
    10. Ask them to start counting down, as they count suggest that the numbers are disappearing. When they stop talking, ask them if all the numbers have gone, they may just make a little nod, that is enough.
    11. Tell them that, just like you could tense up, and reach the height of tension, you can also relax the opposite. That is called the basement of relaxation, and that it is now necessary for 'us' (note 'us', this assumes you are not making them do something) to go to the basement of relaxation. Tell them that you want them to imagine that they are in an elevator (UK:lift) and that when you click your fingers, the lift is going to start going down to floor 3, and that to get there they are going to relax completely twice as much as they are already. When you click your fingers a second time, they are going to completely relax twice as much, down to floor 2, and when you click your fingers a third time, down to floor 1. Tell them to let you know when they are at the basement by saying the number.
    12. Click your fingers and wait for them to say 3, repeat with 2, and with 1, it is worth noting that usually at floor 1 the number 1 sometimes does not seem to come out the mouth, if this is the case, your attempt at hypnosis is successful (that is not to say that, if they say 1 your attempt is unsuccessful)
    13. At this point it is best to suggest re-induction, for this say "if I click my fingers and say sleep, any time today, you will find you instantly return to this lovely deep level of relaxation and concentration, in fact every time today I click my fingers and say sleep, you will go deeper into hypnosis than you were the time before".
    14. To continue with hypnosis, use a deepener. A good one is to ask the person to imagine they are at the top of a staircase of 100 stairs, which they can see and feel, and that on the side of each stair is a number. Each step they take they will see and feel themselves relaxing twice as much. At the bottom is a large mattress, and when they get there they will relax completely into the mattress. Tell them to start going down. You can ask them how far they have got by asking them to tell you what the number is on the stair.
    15. Keep suggesting they are "going deeper, and nearer to the mattress, more relaxed with each breath" as they are going down the stairs.
    16. Repeat re-induction suggestions above
    17. When they have reached the bottom of the stairs, tell them that there are balloons filled with helium attached to their wrist, and that they can feel the balloons lifting their wrist into the air. You should see their hand, and arm, visibly rise into the air.
    18. Repeat re-induction suggestions
    19. Tell them that they are going to wake up on the count of three, and be wide awake, count to three. Start talking about something different for a few minutes, before asking them what they remember. Then try the re-induction, if they return to hypnosis, then carry on. If they do not, unfortunately it hasn't worked.
    20. At this point you can make suggestions, suggest they feel hot (perhaps imagine they are at a beach) and then cold, imagine they are watching a film, and tell them that its really really funny, and then scary... tell them they can open their eyes and remain under hypnosis. You will notice that they will be able to talk and walk, but they will actually be still in hypnosis. If they wake up when they open their eyes (they will likely inform you that "it didn't work") then try the re-induction and make suggestions that when they wake up they will ___ whenever you say the word ___ . If they do not 'wake up' they may appear to have a blank stare in their eyes, you can continue to make suggestions without needing to put them to 'sleep' just continue with one suggestion after another.
    21. When you have finished, tell them that "on the count of three you will wake up, fully awake and alert, feeling great, and that all suggestions will be removed" You may also suggest that "you will remember everything you did", or "you won't remember what you did under hypnosis". Then count to three.
    22. The person may feel a bit 'dazed' even after hypnosis. This does not mean they are still under hypnosis (even though they may be slightly more suggestible for a little while).
    * Pace what you are saying with the person's breathing, it is best to tell them to relax as they are breathing out, rather than breathing in.
    * Note the difference between a Post-hypnotic-suggestion, and hypnosis with the eyes open. A PHS is something that has an affect, like a habit, after the end of hypnosis, however only that suggestion will have an affect (for example feeling itchy, or saying or doing something on cue. Hypnosis with the eyes open means that the suggestion can be changed just by telling them, as they are still in hypnosis.
    * Read the steps a few times, make notes, and practice on imaginary people to get the hang of how it all goes together.
    * The person might not remember what has happened (sometimes even in the case of using PHS), you may want to record what happens, this allows you to show the person what they did (and show all their friends, with their permission of course).
    * If someone does not do what you suggested, they either have a moral or defencive reason, or they did not understand you, try suggesting it again, being clear, if they still do not, forget it.

    And be careful, like I said before USE COMMON SENSE!!(For the love of God) and don't try to cure phobias or regress people as that could bring up bad memories. There I told you, happy?
  10. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    It almost seems like you hypnotized yourself also.
  11. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    You spent the time...Writing all of that out...? x_x

    That's awesome... ^^; What'd you make her do? o_O ​
  12. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
  13. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    lol...instead of saying "I hypnotized a girl," you added in hot...
  14. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    Now what? Party time?...

  15. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    DANCE party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    Um...guys...I just woke up...I think 5 minutes passed...

    I just wanted to let you know, I made a discovery this afternoon...

    Mirrors are not good hypnotizing subjects...
  17. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Actually I used the "arm pull" instant induction. I honestly didn't think I was going to pull it off.

    And I was kinda strapped for time (and performance jitters as it was outside in public).

    The abridged version:

    This girl was complaining that she had a bad headache. I offered to help her get rid of it. Used the arm pull induction. Had her deep in trance. Removed the headache. Woke her up. Ended up diving into the classroom JUST as they were taking attendance.

    And Fifth Element, thanks for answering their questions. I didn't have time to answer it myself. :)
  18. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Did you stare into her eyes? thats like magic.
    By the sounds of it, I think your the one hypnotized.
  19. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    If you mean hypnotized by her looks, then yeah, I'd say I was. But then again, what guy wouldn't? :p

    And I only stared into her eyes as a distraction technique. She went down quickly. Not as deep as I wanted to, but I was able to remove her headache. She thanked me afterwards. Then I realized what time it was and I had to jet out of there.
  20. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    aha, so it never happened :'D