I noticed that lately people are really starting to dislike/Can't stand me. For multiple reasons, I have done/Say things that offend people in many ways. I have posted everywhere in this website, that may have pissed some people off. At times I try to be funny when I know I'm not, and it looks I try too hard to be funny. Sometimes I can be a really big jerk to people, I can be rude, obnoxious, Ignorant, ect. I just found out that alot of people here have a really bad impression about me, Saxima and other people showed me that example. For whatever reason I did, I'm sorry. I don't know whether I should leave this website with all the scraps of dignity I have left, or just suck it up. I'm sorry. And if you don't like me in general, then I guess you're gonna.have to deal with.it.
If you were a post, I'd like dat shiz. In all seriousness, be yourself. Being on KHV is like growing up all over again. Forums have stages of maturity and so do the members. As you continue onward, you become more aware of that and so do others. You become you, in a whole other meaning. Don't leave just because you feel bad. I think you're a nice lad.
Individual identity is something that grows in itself. You are indeed quite a nice lad. As others and especially you grow, in the experience sense of the word, this distrust will melt away, I would say. Stay on the website, but remember to take in and experience. It would be horrible if you were to disappear like this.
Some tips on how to be more tolerable: Try to use line breaks every once in a while. Work on your grammar. It's already okay, but there are many glaring errors. That's about it, really.
There have been times when I feel like this. You shouldn't let people judge you. Be yourself. I know we don't talk much, but I find you to be awesome. Most of your posts alway put a smile on my face. Don't leave.
People hate me and I'm not crying. I fully intend to stay and have fun, even at the price of annoying the **** out of khv. I've seen some of your posts, and I will say some of them seem unnecessary, but learn from that, and discover the type of poster you think you should be.