Today was my very last day of school ever and it was incredibly sad! I still have exams but I just have no more lessons, no more going in each morning and talking with these people who I've grown up with. I've now got to become a responsible adult ;-; AHHHH! Lol joke, I'll never be responsible! Now, I need some cheering up, the nostalgia is killing me >.<
Don't be sad. You're out! moar time w/ ur minger yaaaaay And if you feel nostalgic, plan a get together with people or something. Don't follow my example.
I am... almost : D after a few exams I will be. I went to say goodbye to my psychology teacher, we cried and hugged, it was beautiful. Well, I can now add all my teachers on Facebook :3 Oh yes! Well, I went out with practically my entire year group yesterday and I got rather drunk. I got home and began thinking how the alcohol was inhibiting my action potentials along my neurones xD TOO MUCH BIOLOGY REVISION! AHHHH!!!!! I hope to do more things like that in the future.
Things like that? So you wanna get ridiculously drunk and think about the chemical reactions taking place during said stupor more often? I swear, I will never fully understand you Brits.
And here I was thinking I was the only one who thought about how being drunk affected me while being drunk. Biology always was one of my best subjects for some reason. Not my favorite, yet close to being my best. It's odd really. The classes I didn't care for I did well in. It's the ones that interested me that I flopped -_- Why's life such a cruel poop?
I know right? I enjoy biology but the exams aren't that fun xD I was thinking about chemical imbalances and chemistry things as well. It amuses me. Hehe, I wasn't ridiculously drunk xD I can remember the entire night and I wasn't sick which made me happy. Of course, it's just how my brain seems to process the world.