And I got no ****ing sleep last night. I kept waking up, I kept dreaming about taking the exam so every time I woke up I was like "PLEASE I just want to get it over with". Then I had a dream that my bus got hit with another car and fell off a cliff so my mom and I were trying to figure out how I was going to get to school on time, and when I woke up from that I was super confused. And when I was trying to go back to bed I was still in a dreaming/lucid state so my mind kept thinking of all this ****: 1. RosterTeeth acknowledging my fanficition as canon 2. Would I rather die before the completion of Kingdom Hearts with the hope it would outlive me for a long time or feel hallow without it for the rest of my life? 3. If Spider Riders was made today would it have an adult audience like most TV shows directed at kids today like Adventure Time and Gravity Falls? 4. "You know Jessica said that you're supposed to go to the dentist every six months but I haven't gone in like 8 years are my teeth going to die?" 5. When are these colonies gonna rise up? When are these colonies gonna rise up? And I'm here through all this at the back of my head, since it's basically one of those dreams when you know it's a dream but **** man you can't do anything to wake you up so I'm basically looking at myself outside of my body LIKE GO THE **** TO BED. I count, I think of relaxing things but nope, dream!cal needs to sing Hamilton in her head and think about all this right now, at exactly 2:31 in the morning.
I've had a similar rough night, but with my chemistry final, which I may most likely fail. Cal, do not throw away your shot.
Look on the bright side, you probably stayed up so much that once you finish your exam you're going to plop on your bed and sleep the next 48 hours away. Too bad that never makes up for the sleep you've lost though. Once that's gone, you're body isn't getting it back.
Can you feel that? It's me mentally strangling you : ^) (I'm just kidding that was pretty funny lol) I have vocal lessons and after that I have to do a test review for one of my normal classes. There's no rest for the Wicked
i remember i was kicked out of ap english bc i didnt do the summer work. fk you hs im an english major now