Megan Trayner. I don't care if that's mispelling or not. She is annoying and ruins my quiet afternoons with her bragging about her body, her future husband, and her ability to catch cheaters. I'M SORRY WE AREN'T AS FANTASTIC AS YOU MEGAN. That is all.
The only reason I care at all about her existence is that her first big song body shames skinny women. Missing the point, are we Megan?
First hit: shame skinny women and establish that you need a men's approval to like your body Second hit: if a man talks, he's lying Third hit: let's push for traditional gender roles in our relationships I mean, I'm biased because my girlfriend is skinny, though she can't help it, and she felt like the song was attacking her for being skinny. AND MEGAN TRAINER ISN'T EVEN THICK TO BEGIN WITH
Nope. The point is take make $$$ off of a poorly-crafted, thinly-veiled message about self-acceptance to pander to a young and insecure audience incapable or unwilling to analyze/****ing pay attention to the what the song is actually, unintentionally or not, communicating. At that the song not only succeeds but excels. The studio heads pulling the strings know exactly what they're doing.
Glad I am not the only one who watches Filthy Frank as for the topic of this thread/to the OP You care.....why exactly?
You dislike some songs on the radio, right? Yet you still hear them regardless of if you choose to, right? In my case, I actively avoid many artists on the radio, but I haven't forgotten why I disliked them.
Well I mean, venting is 100% okay (hell its practically mandatory), so I have no problem with that. However, exposing yourself to something that you know you won't enjoy, is just self inflicted pain. Meaning it is pain that can be prevented. My solution to this is just not listening to the radio, why listen to random music / bs I don't like, when I can just listen to what I like? This is kind of why I am confused. If the OP doesn't like 'x', don't expose yourself to it. It's quite easy.
I don't choose to listen to the radio; I'm put into social situations in which my options are a) listening to the radio or b) covering my ears. I'm far too lazy/busy for b)
Hence why 'Blurred Lines' became such a hit. You can put the most disgusting and vile lyrics to a catchy beat and people will say they like it. Because they're not actively listening to what the lyrics are all they hear is the rhythm. Just thinking about that song makes me feel like I need to scrub my skin raw.
Every time my friend defends Nikki Minaj's music on the basis that it's "infectious," I remind her that chlamydia is also infectious.
I feel the best example of this is Turn Down For What. The demographic pop music hits won't listen to straight instrumentals, so they literally found the minimal amount of lyrics needed to write a hit pop song. And that's why TDFW is secretly brilliant.