Because they don't bleed every month. If I could wish for something it would be for you guys to bleed down there every month. Sit back and relax as I watch you squirm and hide the kotex and only give you tampons instead.
With the amount of time you people are cutting things up in the kitchen while we try to explain why we can't buy a new Gucci bag because we need to hold back on spending money to pay mortgages, I can tell you, we definetly do bleed at least once every month. Whether you're bleeding our wallets dry or getting too hasty with the pointy silver-ware, you crazy b****. I keed, I keed, don't hurt me.
OH GOD YOU MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD RIGHT NOW. xDDDD and amaury why you hate me though you don't know me. :c
That explains why our first reaction to a displeased woman coming our way is "God help me". How dare you bring the Lion King into this? Prides are made up mostly of lionesses, and they're the warriors, and Simba has to deal with them all the time, so you pretty much put the salt in Simba's wounds, my friend!