Recently I bought a gameboy advance SP at a garage sail, and it came with 3 games. Which one should I play? Legend Of Zelda, Oracle of Ages Legend of Zelda, Oracle of Seasons Legend of Zelda DX: Link's Awakening. I've played all the intro's and they all seem good. Reply or vote to which one I should play?
I would play the DX Links awakening because it has a different title. Such a silly point I know but when you can't decide just resort to stupid reasons. (side note: Nice location, you might want to put a space in it somewhere though because it blocks some of the text in your post)
i liked both ages and seasons, but my favourite was awakening, so I recommend that. or alternatively you could just go back and find your copy of ocarina of time and play that instead :P
I suggest DX Link's Awakening. Quite good despite a stupid title. But Twilight Princess will always be the best in my books.