On another note, I found that McMaNgos somehow knows what my dreams look like. This makes him the first person on record to have figured it out.
Well I for one Dreamed a Dream. Where There was a time when love was blind, And the world was a song, And the song was exciting. There was a time when it all went wrong.
I don't see any unbaptized babies. And if I did, I'd get a trophy for taking them all out. EDIT: Because Forsaken reminded me... Spoiler There once was a man in Peru Who dreamt who he was eating his shoe. He awoke in the night with a terrible fright to find that it had come true!
My latest KHV dream, I changed my name to Hairy Muffin. Maybe I should do it, hopefully people will get it.
Dreaming about khv members is a bad sign. You must quickly bathe yourself in a chocolate fountain and clear your mind.
I had i dream i wanted tuna fish and it was my only wish, its my favorite dish, oh if i had one wish it would be tuna fish
Wait... I just realised I'm Lawrence. I don't think I'll get used to this. I'll be able to not mistake myself for Lawrence Fox when I change back to Fayt-Harkwind eventually xD