I've decided to make a REAL thread about my return to KHV. Calm down, damn. I know you're all excited, but keep calm. I'll take autographs at the end of the post. But yeah. According to Jayn, I'm a ghost, man. I come when I want, I leave when I want. It's my life, I do what I want. Yep. I'm back. Now, I have multiple headshots. Two dollars for each picture. Four if you want it signed. If you're outside of the United States area, you'll be paying the shipping.
I really hope you were going to end that with 'and all that jazz'. Or maybe I'm the only one that realizes I ALWAYS say that when welcoming people. "Welcome to KHV! Make sure to read the rules and all that jazz."
Kayate, I missed you the most. Now, please stay and never leave. I want your autograph, give it to me. Give it to the small innocent little girl, please. <3 Good to see you back.
Welcome back Kayate, glad to have you return to the final resting place of your soul. Now you must stay for all eternity and allow the staff to nibble way at the remains of said soul. And you get to watch them do it.
Gah! Too many people joining and returning. I can't keep up! :x Anyway, Kayate, welcome back to the forum! Do not leave us again or there will be dire consequences, such as me beating you up baking you a pie.
Finally a REAL thread for the REAL Maki... I mean Kayate. Welcome back dude, missed seeing you around here, been rather non-Kayate otherwise. Re-have fun and all that jazz. And I'll be taking an autographed picture... Without paying. >:3
My darling,I did miss you ever so much. Never leave us again. Please <3 Pleasure to have you back,don't be a stranger (I must say that in every introduction thread,it's my own special uhm...thingy)~ And welcome back to you aswell JedininjaZC my darling <3~
No, get out, we're full. Jaykay, welcome back. Don't get too crazy, you remember what happened the last time you did. c: