I got Skittles in an M&M's bag. This world does have many mysterious and wonderful things. either that or people who package these things are trolls
No, that's not it at all. Like, that has absolutely zero relevance to anything that could possibly be related to what this is about.
Spam Zone. Spam Zone. Where people post spam. Half of what goes on in this section has nothing to do with anything.
If there's one thing I know from frequenting the Spam Zone it's that Amaury is not clever enough to come up with praise worthy spam. What you just saw was classic Amaury asking a genuine question and being completely off the mark. Welcome to the Spam Zone. It's cold, lonely, and will consume your life if you give it the chance. Enjoy your stay.
It is mysterious that Llave found iced coffee in a milk carton. You're supposed to find milk in a milk carton. I'm assuming it's wonderful because Llave likes iced coffee.
Haha 'scuse you, sweetie, I've been around since '06. And what the hell is praise-worthy spam? I realize Amaury's a dumbass on that front, but there's no 'spam level'. Something doesn't have to be a certain level of not making sense for it to be spam. You said yourself, it had nothing to do with anything. Therefore, spam. In the Spam Zone.
It certainly takes the term latte to another level, I suppose. Welcome to the Spam Zone, where this is never a surprise. Shhh shhh now, my little children. All is well. We must be peaceful towards each other before the flames burst and engulf everything again. *closes eyes and soothingly places hands on foreheads*
my apologies, I'll just command the climate to accommodate for proper gemination of such beans immediately.