and created these things. can't say I like very much though. Spoiler MSN Icons. 100px etc. CnC maybe?
The 4th Kingdom Hearts one is amazing. If you would just blur the background abit to give it some depth it would be perfect!
Thank you. I've attempted to do what you suggested and here is my result I don't think it turned out too well but meh.
Oh I really like these... And I love that Sora and Marluxia one <3 But all of them are really nice looking,and with good colours. And thats a lovely picture of a waffle in the msn ones xD
Kelly, these are all made of awesome, the waffle one is pretty funny and so is the one of Sora with his mouth hanging open, that's like a picture caught at a classic moment right there. I love them.
Well, um, I really like them! I do! I do! c: I really like the 4th, 5th and 6th. It's very well done. You should do graphics more often, I really like the things you make <3
for someone who got bored, great job! I really like the first row, the 4th and 5th ones in particular. Great job!
Thank you both. :3 So I liek got bored again and actually bothered to try with these ones, I like them but only a little. My personal favorite is the last one of Sora even though I abused the blur too much. CnC?
This... SOOOO much this. You got bored and made beautiful icons as a result. I love them all, especially Beauty and the Beast. Keep it up Kelleh!
bumping because I'm too lazy to make another thread.. unsure if I've posted these ones before or not..I just played around with effects out of boredom really. My personal favorite is the Higurashi one I think I did surprisingly okay with that one.