"What's that? Want Bahamut? Okay, simple. When we ask you a question, all you have to do is choose the hidden option that is all but invisible bar a few pixels" Don't play this without a guide, kids
I dunno, I kinda love that kind of obscure stuff, like how the place you find Bahamut is somewhere you wouldn't really expect on the map.
Never got past the Ragnarok. Spoiler Rinoa's a great girl and all, but had I know I'd end up stuck on a ship with her and half a dozen Propa-whatzits, I would've actually tried to care about levelling her properly.
It' s not just 8, being overly Guide Dang It is a staple of the series. The first I played was 7, I burst out laughing when I found out Cloud could actually have a date with Barret.
Leveling in FF8? You're doing it wrong Oh I know. It's my policy not to play any FF without a walkthrough, because you'll miss a tonne of stuff, but FF8 is by far the most extreme
Yeah, because the other games are pretty damn sane. let's fly a whale to the moon. My dad is a giant fish. i'm an alien. The list goes on.
FF5 was the best. Nowhere else can you have a tree and a turtle having a DBZ fight while quipping about pizza
I always do first playthrough sans walkthrough, on any game. Second playthrough has a walkthrough so I can get everything.