It was amazing, but I got the High Chaos ending. It took 32 hours, and that included puzzle-solving and other stuff that I'll breeze right through now that I've finished the game. Should I replay it for the other endings, or mark it as "done" and move on to the rest of my library?
Go for the other ending. I was working on it but got sidetracked. Should get back to that at some point.
Wait, there's only one other ending? That makes things way easier! I was under the impression that there were three.
No. If I just watch the other endings, I won't get any of the other extra stuff that I'd get by replaying the whole thing. It's not like Bioshock where the only thing that your choices change is the ending.
I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. I know there's the low chaos and high chaos ones. Perhaps a neutral one?
I'm pretty sure that there are three overall endings, an all the way 'bad' all the way 'good' and an anything inbetween. Beyond that, I think small things change based on your actions, but you're basically getting the same endings? Not 100% sure Just getting the other ending should be good enough
You should play it again because it's a great game and doing a non-lethal full stealth run is awesome