I just completed Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne gaining the True Demon Ending. Man the final boss was a pain in the ass! I was pissed because I had Trumpeter in my party, and when my hp was low I used Holy Melody (Cost 1 mp, Fully restores HP and MP to the enemy/ally with the lowest HP)and guess what? He fuckn cast it towards the final boss! Meaning all it's hp and mp is restored! Oh god I was pissed. Anyhow the game was not only amazing, but hard at the same time. Oh god I absolutely hated that minigame that you play from talking to the manikin. Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne is probably by far the best Rpg I have ever played and now since I finally completed it, my life is complete. Sadly now I dont know what to play next....
Holy Melody doesn't heal bosses and it certainly didn't heal the ultimate boss, so I don't know what you're talking about. I was actually delighted when Holy Melody targeted him; it let me know that he was really low on HP, which is nice since he has 65535 HP.
Are you sure? I could've sworn I saw him heal the boss because when he casted holy melody it didn't heal anyone in my party, I saw it hit the boss. If it didn't heal the boss then what didi it do?
Ohhh ok. Now Im a little relieved, see I just got him so I no idea weather or not he was capable of doing that. Well thank god I didn't heal the final boss.
Why don't you get your nice little booty and play all the Metal Gear Solid games on the hardest difficulty. *doing that with mgs2 and holy f.uck I can't reach Fat Man
Well yeah of course I mean I love playing incredibly difficult RPGs, that's one of the reasons why I love that game. .....Not a bad choice of games. I already beat Digital Devil aka Avatar Tuner and it's pretty difficult I must say. I heard that there's an ultimate boss hidden somewhere....
Have you ever heard me talk about Dark Souls you'd swear I hate it Spoiler: I'm putting this in a spoiler tag because I know you were screwing around but I started typing like you were serious and people should have the right not to receive that noise if they don't want to We're hard on the games we love because we play them long enough to know them intimately and see their flaws down to the finest detail, it's only the rare person who can snap themselves out of that garbage and consciously say, well, despite its faults it's still great and I still love playing it The SMT series in general has problems with murderous RNG (including unpredictable and unfair instagibs) and bosses who null basically anything cool you can think to do to them until you're reduced to buffs/debuffs and playing "Find the weakness" over and over, but in spite of that it's still a fun series thanks to its one-of-a-kind aesthetic, eclectic score, unique gameplay and fair-to-extensive replay value The difficulty is a prime source of complaints, but the bits of the game that are legitimately challenging and not just cruel make it a fight worth fighting, and when you finish you feel like you've conquered a mountain, not just checked off another item on the to-do list I'm surprised one of the horse freaks hasn't come in here yet Doesn't one of the horses say some dumb joke about percents
I'm just going to save us the trouble and do the whole thing here. Something something brony hate Something something unconvincing yet seeminly valid defense of bronies More hate Futile attempt to explain that [hater's name here] "just doesn't understand." More hate, but they're doing it wrong so it doesn't count as hate Mutual lack of understanding Everybody now hates everybody Meanwhile, I'm making brownies for everyone to hate instead. Something something brownie hate.
Oh god this. Im already getting flashbacks of fighting Spoiler Black frost and Noah Even though the bosses are hard, they are sooo goddamn fun to do. (In my opinion ) Oh and you forgot to mention that roughly 60-80% of the places you go are huge puzzles. Yeah One of the main reasons why I like to play the Shin Megami Tensei games is because how difficult it is. Oh and that reminds me Doesn't this support your statement?
Y'know nobody responded to this except you I wonder if all that was really mandatory Also fuck your brownies