I feel so old

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Pezz, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    You know sometimes I really do wonder what I'm doing on the site. Not that there is anything wrong with the site, it's just that I'm so old when I compare myself to other people on this website. Really, I'm not so surprised considering that the website is for Kingdom hearts. most people my age prefer shooter games with lots of gore. Me, I'm not really into those types of games..... but I'm getting off topic here. boy do I like to ramble.

    I'm 20 years old, and will be 21 on May 9th. Oh where hath thy youth gone too? just kidding. 20 is not that old, but when I'm on this website I feel old. a tad depressing when I think about it. and despite that I still continue to go to this website. Seriously I really need a life.

    I have recently been devoting most of my life to a bunch of related threads I made. Together, the threads will construct a made-up kh3 story plot. everything on those threads has been a kh-vids user group effort, and they have been getting a lot of views (So I know I've done something right here).

    but whatever, I enjoy it here. Even if being on this site does make me feel old. everyone is nice here, though that is a sort of requirement on this site. looking at it now, I really don't know why I made this thread. :-/
  2. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    well you said you make a lot of KH3 plot lines and stuff, have you ever given thought to trying to create your on game?
  3. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    actually that is my major. My studies are devoted to learning how to make video games, lol. I'm very good at coming up with stories and plots, at the moment I have four in my head. I am working on all of them except one. I'm able to keep them all separate from each other too, which I suppose is a talent.

    but yeah. I want to make video games for a living. I particular I want to be a level designer. I could also go for writing the the game script. but It's a very competitive business that I want to enter. Not many people make it in.
  4. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    then why not design a level of a game, then make a 3-D sketch of it and go off that... (like you could make a new world for the KH series)
  5. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    lol easier said than done. I suppose I could use Maya (a 3d modeling program) to do it, though the Maya I have on my computer likes to get grouchy. but I could draw out a 2d map (maps for levels should be done in 2d. sketches I'm no good at) and see what I can do from there. I'm not really sure what kind of engine they used to make Kingdom Hearts levels. It definitely wasn't done with tiles. perhaps they did use Maya. but whatever, I'm rambling again.

    but building a single room alone could take a few weeks. building an entire level could take months. But that's only when you do it alone. You're right though, I should be making some 3d areas. It a tad difficult though when you have college work to do.
  6. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Then just make a room instead of a world, Im just throwing out ideas...
  7. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    I know lol :D
  8. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    There are other people on this site that are older than you, but refuse to give their actual ages. They are around, but most of them don't like to give their age out because of judgement from others. I still like Kingdom Hearts and this site either way and other stuff such as video games. So in a way I feel younger either way and no one is going to stop me from liking what I like.

    You shouldn't be ashamed because there are a bunch of people alot older making video games in the first place.
    You make video game designs. What programs do you use to process them?

    I wanted to make video games for a living, but unfortantely you have to know alot of math which is my sore spot. That dream is gone forever. Even if I tried to get a job I would have to live in Washington to even become a video game tester which is a hastle since I live in the Western side of the states.

    That would be cool if you tried to work Square-Enix, but I think you may need to know their language as the place resides in Japan.
  9. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    actually there is barely any math involved. leave all the math to the programmers lol. It is good though to know some programming. all you need in this major is basic college level math. easy stuff. one class and you should be done with math forever. but I'm not bummed out about anything nor am I ashamed. no I'm just making conversation here with everyone.

    yeah, the best thing about making video games for a living is that you get to play video games. The worst thing is that you get to play video games. you have to test you game so many times that by the time you are done, you'll be sick of the game. Its even worst for the testers since they have to play the game through many times over without being able to take shortcuts.

    so yeah contrary to the popular belief, little math is needed to make video games. unless you are into programming that is.

    there is a square enix of America. no japanese needed :D
  10. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    When u feel old, do something young :D
  11. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    kay! I'll go play Kingdom hearts! :D lol just kidding, I'm playing Scooby Doo instead. XD
  12. Captain Hero Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 5, 2008
    Don't feel old. Express yourself! I'm 17, about to turn 18 on July 1st. I do improv comedy with a comedy troupe and stage acting. If there's anything I can say to you, it's to always be true to yourself and not let judgement get you down. You're you, no matter what people say. So you like Kingdom Hearts. If people can't look past ONE THING then why were you friends with people who take one aspect of your life and peck at it until you feel like crap?
  13. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    Well, as my mom really likes to say, XD, you're as old as you feel you are. If you like kingdom hearts, thats your preference, nothing wrong with that. Besides, if you enjoy it here, and you dont see anything bad about being here but people looking down on you for doing so, then forget whatever they'll say and just keep doing what you enjoy.
  14. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Heh, I just turned 21 on March 23, so I'm older than you! HAH!

    Nah, just kidding. Despite my age, I am basically in love with the fantasy genre (and Sci-fi, but that's another story). I barely get to read any of it, though, what with my major pressing down had on me. KH is a really great series, even though I do get annoyed at all the kiddishness in it (donald/goofy, 100 Acre Wood, etc). I probably know more about this series than 90% of Youtubers. I don't feel old, I feel good.
  15. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Thread is a bit old, but I'm surprised I got here by clicking on a Tab I've put for my own unrelated Thread, so I feel like writing.

    So, if something makes you feel old, maybe it simply makes you feel mature. It has been very fun pariticipating in the kh-3 imagining/designing project so far, even if schoolwork has tried everything to keep me away from having fun.

    I'm 17, turning 18 this October, and I discovered the KH series when I was like 15. I didn't find the game immature, and feel no shame when telling people I play a game where people beat themselves up with "Keyblades".
    I even built some Keyblades myself, tried making a Org Coat, and cosplayed Riku 3 times now. If you say you have no life, Pezz, then I guess I'm in the same situation :D

    Hm... maybe the reason this website made you feel that way is because you put video games as your college education? Thus, video games are now something very serious to you? Something which is "mature" and "adult"?

    Anyway, don't feel bad, all of us here ARE here because we really like KH. If you like it, and you surely do, since you started the whole Desoul discussion, then there's no reason for you not to be here.

    I have to admit that going on this website makes me feel weird too, probably because I spent so much of my free time here, suddenly chaning my life routine. Strange, we had a similar reaction to our KH/KH-Vids obsessions :). Sounds like your feelings are very normal after all.
  16. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    You can't have a life and go on a kh forum while having said life?
    That's pretty fsking stupid.
  17. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Wait, what? I didn't understand anything. What do you mean?
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Wow same here, I'm 17 and will be 18 in Oct.

    And Pezz, honestly? I think it's a good idea to make yr own game, that's why I'm so into the KH3 plot, I figured once we're finished we could use "KH3" as a basis to make a brand new game, like ACTUAL game.
  19. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    That was to the OP.
    I never bother reading anything else but that.
  20. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    We actually talked about this... Though for me, it didn't see like such a good idea at first sight.

    Here :

    It's in hte first few posts.

    I would like it more now, altough it still seems hard.

    Dare I say that reading everything might be required before calling people "pretty fsking stupid"?

    Don't take our "we have no life" sentences THAT seriously :) Sometimes all of us just need a little morale boost...