I feel so depressed

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by xigbar.nom, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. xigbar.nom Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 16, 2011
    This past while I've been feeling so horrible and depressed..not saying that I'm never depressed.
    I first started getting depressed around last year and it hasn't stopped..its gotten so bad that i'm cutting myself because I think of it as replacing the depression pain with normal hurt pain, yes I do slit my wrists.
    What do you think I should do.
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    First of all, know that you are not alone. This is a common thing for people to go through.

    Ok, now down to it. Its fantastic that you are seeking help for this, because that means you acknowledge and recognise that what you're dealing with IS a problem. Congratulations, you are on the early steps to recovery.

    What was it that initially started your descent into it? Was there something in particular that happened? Often, if you know the cause of something you can work on fixing the damage of it. If you know the roots, you can move on. If there wasn't a particular incident or event, then try to think about if there is a pattern to the things that bring you down and make you feel this way.

    The self-harm, I'm going to be blunt, this is what worries me the most. Physically hurting yourself as a way to deal with emotional/mental pain is not healthy, which you seem to understand. May I ask what you use to cut yourself? and whether you have a set ritual which you follow when you do this to yourself?

    Is there anyone offline whom you can talk to about this? A close friend or an adult? I don't know your age but you come across as being relatively young.

    I also have something I would like you to do right now. Make a list of 10 things you like about yourself and your life. No excuses, do it.
  3. xigbar.nom Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 16, 2011
    The 10 things i'll do in a while if i can think of some..there isn't a reason that i know of why i feel so bad.
    How i cut myself can be with my nails, my razor and with anything like makeup-wise like my eyebrow tweezers
  4. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Ok, I want you to post that list before the end of the day, it can be even small things, regardless of how big/small, they must be positive things. You can do it <3

    Are there times when you feel more sad than others?

    Ok, so here is what I also want you to do, get a small box, put your razors in it, your tweezers in it, any other sharp objects that you use in it, write yourself a small memo note along the lines of "You are worth more than this" put it inside the box too. Then I want you to close the box and seal it.

    You can use alternative methods to deal with your eyebrows and hair removal such as hair removal creams which are just as effective, and actually have longer lasting effects than shaving. With regards to taming your eyebrows make it a treat for yourself to get them done professionally every few weeks. By treating yourself you're making yourself feel good whilst also taking away the need to use your tweezers.

    With regards to your nails, I am inclined to ask you to file them smooth and file them down short, but if you are anything like me you'll like having longer nails, so there isn't really a lot I can suggest with this one, except that when you feel your hands sneaking towards your arms to hurt yourself. Tell yourself (and say it outloud) that you are worth more than this.
  5. xigbar.nom Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 16, 2011
    Thanks for the tips about everything but i do try and keep my nails short because of this but they still manage to cut.
  6. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    You're welcome, and in which case, file them smooth, if you keep them smoothed down as well as short, you won't be able to hurt yourself unless you use extreme pressure and force. In which case, in the time it takes you to apply that pressure, you have time to think about what you're doing.

    You can beat this, I promise you.
  7. xigbar.nom Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 16, 2011
    Thank you so much
  8. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    I agree with everything Catch the Rain has said so far, and I'm basically only posting to add something about the cutting. I know a couple of people who cut themselves, and in the end, you know it yourself, it will do nothing. It may take your mind off the pain you're feeling temporarily, but in the end, all you are left with is scars on a beautiful body.

    The ones I know who cut themselves regrets doing it (they don't do it anymore) because eventually you'll get over the depression (time and help is all you need, trust me. I've been depressed before). Then the problem is that you're left with the scars to remind you of the bad times, and you might fall back into it, even if you're happy.

    Even worse is if you're unlucky enough to hit a vein, which happened to someone I know. She was lucky enough to get it fixed, but it was close.

    For your own safety, I beg you to stop cutting. Listen to Rain's advice.

    You'll get through it :) I did, my friends did, you will :) And we're here to help you along the way.
  9. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    First of all, stop cutting yourself. You're being stupid, I really hope you know that. Second of all, I'm glad you see this as a problem, most people don't.

    So tell me, when did you first start feeling like crap. We've gotta dig down to the roots to see where the seed was planted. What you should probably do first is set yourself aside from all the dangerous pointy objects, they're not helping you anymore than they had been in the first place. You need to get yourself out of the mindset that they are helping you, you're gonna kill yourself if this keeps going. Dying is so totally not worth it.

    Moving on... Who do you have to talk about your life and your problems? You need to find someone like that, someone you can tell anything to and they'll actually give a crap, because if they don't, they're not helping you either.

    You need to talk this out with someone, find a friend or, if you have very understanding parents, then talk to them. I wouldn't recommend going to a school councilor or anything like that because if you're anything like me, your hate them forever for trying to help you when it's none of their business.

    Stop hurting yourself, you're being an idiot. It's not noble and it's not brave. It's pretty bawlsy if you ask me. It's like drugs. And we don't like those now do we?
  10. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Heh, you mightn't hear this from alot of people but depression builds character, contrary to popular belief its a natural state of a human being, not to say its the you should always feel but you should feel it once and awhile it shows that you can feel, it shows that you are alive. Depression allows you to be in a state to think and improve yourself, improve the way you live by relinquishing the hold of something causing your depression. Just plod through and as you go think about life from your respect, make a physical attempt to think down so far into yourself you can imagine your core elements and then fix yourself so that you are a better person for it.

    As for the self-harming I will say something which i doubt others will tell you but self harming isn't a bad thing just so long as you don't go too far, i mean who am I to tell you what is or isn't good for you. Sure it isn't good for you physically but mentally it must feel great doesn't it? But if you can substitute it for something else which can make you feel just as good without the physical scars then that's a better method. One method which i use is the reading of manga or listening to music. One manga which i find extreme soothing when i'm in a bad state is one called Bartender, its about a bartender who makes it his job to help those who come to him to get a drink. Drink is treated a healer for the soul instead of a method of smothering yourself in a sea of alcohol. Here's a link to it;

    I will end on the note of the fact that life will go on around you regardless of if you believe your world is crashing down. if you can't live in your world live in someone elses :)
  11. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    The problem is you are associating pain with a sense of peace. Which is very common. With most people after something bad is over in this case cutting yourself you feel a sense of peace. But peace doesn't really come from the pain.
  12. xigbar.nom Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 16, 2011
    Sometimes i just cant take life anymore.
  13. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    Every single one of us has stuff they have to deal with. Just stay strong and pull through.
  14. xigbar.nom Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 16, 2011
    Uhh..i feel like im 'dumping' my problems on you guys :S sozzles if i am
  15. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    That is why we have this section, so that people /can/ talk about their problems and stuff, so don't feel like you have to say sorry. You can only deal with your problems if you face them after all <3
  16. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Eventually, we all get to that point. Trying to end it all is going to solve nothing, not for you, a waste of life it would become, nor not for those around you. 'Breath in, breath out, it'll be okay. Stay strong, hold on make it through the day.'

    Meh, this is what we do.
  17. xigbar.nom Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 16, 2011
    Thanks ..<3
  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    It helps to take a step back from life and realise that very little actually matters in the long run. Instead of always worrying about what has happened, is happening or will happen, just try to enjoy life for what it is. It's a roller-coaster of experiences, and almost all of them are worth having. Don't think of life as something to be endured; instead, think of it as something to be enjoyed.

    It may help to try to get a sense of purpose and activity instilled in you. Those tend to help lessen depression. Add some structure to your life by waking up at a certain time and getting some exercise, be it a run, a stroll, walking the dog, playing a sport or whatever. Exercise releases endorphins, which are a natural cause of elation.

    Getting the necessary eight or nine hours sleep also helps. I often find that after going through a day on four hours sleep, I'll feel very downhearted and depressed around 3/4 through the day, even though I logically know that there was nothing bad that happened.

    Sleeping in for hours doesn't help though. It just makes you lethargic and lazy. Not particularly good states for someone depressed, as they lead to unoccupied, wandering minds.

    Do you have any ideas why you're actually depressed? Maybe we can help with the source?
  19. xigbar.nom Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 16, 2011
    I have no idea, i dont think anything bad happened like when I first got depressed.
    My granny died though recently in February so that could possibly be part of it.
  20. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    If you didn't say that it means you clearly aren't living your life the way your meant to. Don't worry, just take a bit of advice from people and you'll be fine.