I Feel Racist [Is Sad] Not Meaning To Be But Yeah..

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Crumpet, Jul 26, 2008.

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  1. Repliku Chaser

    There are just jerks everywhere you go. If some people can find something to tease you about as you grow up, they will. When you are really young, kids don't care about differences but sadly as you end up in school, it seems every little unique thing can be picked on, regardless of where you are by some snotty kids and teens.

    I wouldn't say that all Australians are bad, but if this is a common experience for you, it probably isn't so racist to say 'Typical Australians' or something of that nature because that's the experience you personally have had. I've met Australians that are really cool. On a similar note, I've heard about every insult to Americans that can be made in generalizing and well, I can only tell people at times 'not all of us are like that...but damn if I don't know some people just as like what you said'. In about every country there are the 'typical' unwanted people that act like they are holier than thou if you think about it. There is a typical 'rude person' or 'snobby person' wherever you go. So, I don't really consider it racist if you still acknowledge that there are good Australian people too. Just some people really do have their heads up their arses.

    Maybe when you are old enough, if you really do despise it there, you can move. There's a big world out there and whether you go back to GB or somewhere else, it's all possible to move on from where you are now. School can really suck if you aren't the social butterfly that finds a way to blend right in. I hope you feel better and well, maybe knowing that you won't have to be trapped in the same spot forever might cheer you up.
  2. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    So, your from England I assume?

    Well, maybe you just haven't found a group of friends that feel the way you do and to react the way you want them to. Keep searching for the right people and you'll find them.

    Racism for the lose.
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