I just need to vent, otherwise I'm just going to get annoyed at everything. These last 2 days at work have been kind of stressful, just with the sheer number of kids that we had to deal with in relation to the number of teachers watching them yesterday, being close to 80 for half the day with 5 teachers, and we had almost as much today. Plus, yesterday felt like a day at Target, where so much was happening at once it felt like I was being torn in four separate directions and wanted to scream at every person to just stop and shut the F up. Now today we all found out that our boss, who's position was removed and condensed into a single position with other responsibilities, had her interview and didn't get the job. And out of the jobs I've worked, this boss has been by far my favorite. She treated us all nicely, and not just as employees but as people, and friends even, and she managed to deal with the kids, parents, and everyone else in a professional manner while keeping it casual at the same time. I know it sounds contradictory, but that's just how it felt. Now we find out she didn't get the job, and it wasn't pleasant to see. Plus, I won't be seeing her again at all because she cleans out her office tomorrow, which I don't work, and she's taking the last days as paid-time-off. With her gone, a bunch of people are going to leave, and by that I'm sure around 1/3 or so of the employees in the child care, just because they stuck around because she was still there. I personally do feel like I'd rather leave just because I know that she was very lenient in pretty much everything, and from what I've heard about the other locations, they aren't all that fun to work at, and I worry our new boss is going to turn everything into a regime of some kind. I have to stay though, because I have set hours every week at the same time, and can work my schedule around school every semester, unlike most other jobs where you say you can work certain hours and get random schedules every week in those hours. Plus I found out part of the price for my surgery, which is going to cost $434 for only a third of the price, and I don't have any sort of money to pay that with without slashing my budget to nothing. So yeah, these 2 days have hit hard, and I'm exhausted, tired, can't even have my usual jokester-attitude, and just done. There, vent over. Go on with your lives.
I can only really talk from experience but be thankful your medical bills won't be 4-5 digits. If it's under that (in today's day and age) then you lucked out. If I were in your position I would pay what you need to (assuming it isn't like 10 grand), because at the end of the day money is useless if you don't have your health. Best of luck.
You do realize I only have about $800 to my name right? I talk about it like that because I don't make nearly enough to pay for anything. Just spending on anything $20 or more is enough to make a small dent in my budget.
Yes and I am more than aware that hospitals will not hesitate to send you bills in the 5 digit range, which judging by the fact that they haven't done that to you. I would be pretty damn thankful.
If that ever happens to any of you I suggest you take a look at European hospitals. They would probably be cheaper, travel expenses included. And I would still advise Iskandar to take a look around and make a few phone calls, if he hasn' t already. Judging from what I' ve seen a lot of American hospitals have ludicrous billing standards, but not all of them.
Happened to me after my car accident. Due to the urgency of the matter we didn't have many options. The week stay plus tests costed over 10 grand.
I assumed it was an emergency in your case. A childhood friend of mine married an American, she met him when she spent a few years in the US as a student. The thought of having an accident was literally haunting her back then, she knew anything major would be synonymous with life long debt. A single night at the nearest hospital would have left her broke.
Yes it was an emergency. Basically they refused a certain seizure medication unless they had documented "proof". The thought of the whole process was incredibly disturbing. It was a 24/7 audio/video monitoring room built specifically for this line of test. The whole floor was for those with neurological issues. I had like five bracelets on with big letters saying that I wasn't to leave. Not to mention the alarms my room and bed bad. Also couldn't go to the bathroom with the door closed and without someone in my room. It was a crazy process and it sucked (especially because of the cost as well) but it got my seizures to stop. Luckily I only need my treatment every 3-6 months so my liver won't be a mess when I'm 40. BUT HEY. STORY TIME WITH LUXORD. MMMYEAH
Dialysis ? Yeah how lucky lol. It' s okay, sometimes stories like these are just what we need to realize how good we have it. And people wonder why shirtgate type hysteria drives me loco.
No, it's actually a form of pain management mixed with a way to "calm down" the neurons firing off like crazy in my head. Luckily I don't need narcotics (well I could take them but we found an alternative treatment). They are injections actually, and I get them in my head neck and shoulders. Without them my severe head pain comes back, along with the stress and loss of sleep that comes with it. No sleep + stress + pain = a nightmare for someone who gets seizures. So these are pretty much mandatory for me to function like a "regular person". Unfortunately my insurance isn't going to cover this forever. Even then they don't fully cover it all the time. They actually bugged me about it yesterday (into today) but we got it taken care of. Now they are going to call me before every treatment. Oh and before I was also taking tegretol (the meds I got cleared for in my week long "testing session" at the hospital). Problem with that is it can be harsh on the liver. I haven't taken it for about a year now, thank god. The injections (won't say the name publicly, it's embarrassing believe it or not) are enough to suppress my pain and seizures. To be honest it's not as big of a deal as you'd imagine. I'll take injections over not being able to function and being reduced into a person that isn't me. You want to know what Luxord was like without this treatment...look at me around the time I was banned. That was shortly after my accident if I recall. I was an effing mess. Not defending my actions 100%. I was an ass before that, but this messed with my head in ways I'd do anything to prevent.