I feel like I'm dying.

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Jayn, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I have no idea what's wrong with me. My friend thinks I'm about to have a heart attack or drop dead and that scared the **** out of me.

    1. I can't take a full breath. I can breath but my lungs don't ever feel full.

    2. My chest feels tight. And when I lay down, my heart aches a little.

    3. With the slightest movement, my heart starts pounding.

    4. Whenever I go to sleep, I stay asleep for a long time. And when I wake up I feel really hot and heavy and drained.

    5. I don't have much of an appetite lately and when I force myself to eat I get a really bad headache and my chest starts to hurt.

    6. I'm really weak. Little things I could lift before feel like tons more to me now.

    No one will take me to the doctors because we don't have the money nor insurance. And my mom thinks it's just a bad anxiety attack. I have anxiety attacks often. She won't take me until there's something obviously wrong with me, like I start bleeding from my eyes or something like that.

    I've felt like this before, but it normally lasts for about five minutes and it's only once and a while. But for the past week I've felt like this and it keeps getting worse. Today's the worse I've felt in a long time.

    Does anyone know what could be wrong or what I should do since no one will take me to the freakin' hospital?
  2. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009

    well i know this may sound weird but all of those can be asthma symptoms because i had it rough for a long while but i woke up in the middle of the night one day and felt terrible i could not breath easy at all and my heart felt weird as well i could not get back to sleep until like 3 hours later!.....

    i mean i am no doctor but that sounds like what happened to me!

    i hope u feel better
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Thank you. But I don't know why I would randomly have Asthma. I know it can come up at any age, but it doesn't run in my family or anything like that. D:
  4. Kites Chaser

    Nov 25, 2008
    I've had all of these symptoms before. It sounds very similar to pnuemonia, something I get A LOT. I'd get it checked out by your doctor soon so they can get some medication. Luckily, the medication for milder forms of pneumonia are pills for 10 days or so.
  5. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I keep trying to ask my mom to take me but she won't. ><

    I don't know how I would've gotten that either. This is so random. ><
  6. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007

    Okay,so I think some some of it's stress.
    Sometimes if someone are stressed out about something or under pressure they tend to be nervous and shaky;Even if it's not on their mind.

    @Your heart:
    I don't know what to say because I'm not a doctor.
  7. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Regardless of what your mom thinks, if you think it's serious, you might want to consider a doctor visit.

    If you have a thermometer, take your temperature when these symptoms occur and see if it comes up okay. If it comes up really high (a little above average is fine, but very high is not), I say try to go to a doctor. I realize the costs might be rough but in all honesty, becoming seriously ill to try and save some money is ridiculous. I'm not trying to scare you -- It could just be nerves, really -- but there's no such thing as "too cautious" when it comes to health problems.

    As for a heart attack -- girls actually rarely feel something when they're having one, it's guys that feel chest pains. That doesn't mean it's impossible, but that does mean that one probably isn't going to happen with you.

    I say to keep yourself hydrated, at a comfortable temperature, don't move around or go places much if you can help it, and if you're in serious pain take a pain reliever like Advil. Wait two days, and if the symptoms worsen or don't go away, then seek medical attention -- Tell your mom you think it's urgent, otherwise you wouldn't want to go. Of course, if the symptoms get a lot worse before it's been two days, go before two days is up.

    I really think, though, that you'll be better soon if you allow yourself some time to relax.
  8. 007 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 5, 2008
    Behind you
    it could be croup. my sis had it and similar symptoms. if this is the case, it should go away soon.
  9. Captain Hero Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 5, 2008
    I had this same thing back in February. I had a normal temperature, but every little thing would feel like it's impossible. I would lay in bed all day, but I couldn't sleep. My nose was clogged. Then, the second I got out of bed, it felt like I was going to collapse, because my body was so weak. Everytime I tried to eat, it felt like I would throw up, but never did.

    Here's what you have to do.

    I realized the all the pain I was feeling was just mental. I told myself that I wasn't sick. It's amazing what the human mind can do if you just believe something enough. It was kind of like a self-stimulating placebo effect. I was still feeling like this for a few days, but I could bare through it because I convinced myself it was all mental. Try to do that. If you can't do that, then stay in bed. Drink plenty of cold water. And eat. As much as it hurts your stomach, you have to eat to keep your body working right.

    And about the chest pains, I don't know how to get those to go away. I still have frequent chest compulsions, I would say, from time to time and they hurt a lot. But I just wait for it to pass.

    Hope this helped a little. Get better soon, girly!
  10. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    At first it sounded like pneumonia (with the breathing). But I'm not sure, now. Could be in your head. A lot of those symptoms sound random. D: Are you able to contact any sort of physician?
  11. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    umm...all the things that you have described are what I went through when I had my heart attack.

    Question: While you are lying on your back, take deep slow breathes. IF you can hear your heart beat externally, like it's clicking or popping, it's Mitral Valve Prolapse. it's not life threatening, but it can be triggered by either a heart problem or stress.
  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Not really, but I'm planning on confronting my mom tomorrow and forcing her to take me to the doctors or something. I think if I really stop her and tell her seriously that I need to go, she'll take me. If not then maybe I'll ask another family member to take me.

    I just tried and when I lay on my back and take deep breaths, I can't hear it externally. Sometimes I can, when I push myself and it speeds up randomly. But I put my hand on my heart and it's beating really irregularly. ><
  13. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    Sounds like you have depression it can be caused by panic attacks.
    The only problem with this theory is you wouldnt be on this site because you would have loss of interest in it.

    have you lost interest in things lately because it sounds alot like depression because i have these symptoms too and i was diagnosed with it.
  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Thanks...And I've been forcing myself to eat. I have almost five bottles of cold water today.

    I'm going to try to use the mind thing and see if that helps at all.
  15. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies

    Go to the docs, they might do an EKG, take an ultrasound, or simply listen to the heart. In my case, i could be lying on my back or siting on my couch not moving and i could hear my heart 'click'
  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I don't think it's that.

    I haven't lost interest in anything, really. I've actually been taking more things up to get my mind off of my worries. I've gotten that way before, but I normally pull through it.

    And when I was clinically depressed, my heart and chest felt normal. Besides the fact that my chest was a little tighter sometimes.
  17. Flyn Pnut Banned

    I'm having those problems right at the moment, I only started getting them when it got hot though, and over here, it gets hot real quick, one day it'll be raining, next day it'll be sunny, yesterday, it was raining in the morning, and boiling hot in the afternoon. It could be to do with the weather. Or allergies, if you have any of them, or even asthma.

    -Flyn Pnut
  18. Repliku Chaser

    This mostly sounds like anxiety, panic attacks. A racing heart, loss of appetite, etc are all symptoms of anxiety disorder. However, regardless of whether it is this or not, I think since it is persisting, you should go to see a doctor. You may be even allergic to some foods that could be bringing about the anxiety and reactions. Also, it could be something other than that. I'd encourage your mother to take you to see a doctor because even if they are just anxiety attacks, it's not healthy to continue having them, and I think it best that it should be looked into. Another thing to try is to drink water in good amounts. Maybe you have gotten yourself some heat exhaustion. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
  19. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    I pretty much agree with Repliku, sounds a lot like anxiety attacks. I feel pretty much the same whenever I feel stressed or overworked. You wouldn't happen to feel like that, like everything is piling up, but you just have to go on, do even more?

    The best you can do, if this is the case, is to just keep on doing everything, but if you have a chance, take a day or two off from everything every now and then. If negative thoughts keep coming to your mind, avert them by doing something you enjoy, and if you can't do that, start reciting lyrics/poems/etc. in your head over and over again, until you feel strong enough to face the possible problems.

    I don't think going to a doctor is completely necessary, but if you do get the chance to go to one, take it.​
  20. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue &lt;3.
    T'aww poor Jayn ;_;

    I'd see a doctor either way. It sounds like your stressed A LOT. Anxiety attacks, I've felt like you've said a couple times before, but it soon passed as soon as I got a hold of some chocolate [that may be an option, 'cause you know how chocolate has been scientifically tested to help with depression &all that jazz] Panic Attacks are another thing you might consider. Yeah, it may seem random to you, but it can happen to anyone at any time. Depression isn't exactly the case here, but it may be a possibility. Your heart hearts a lot you say, so maybe the chocolate will help. As for the fact that you don't eat a lot & it hurts you when you do, try to keep a routine, at least try to eat something small everyday around the same time so that your body can get used to the fact that you need to eat to stay alive and healthy.
    I really hope you feel okay in the end. *hugs* Good luck, and I would strongly recommend a doctor.