I feel as though you are all missing something important . . .

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Technic☆Kitty, Jun 7, 2011.

  1. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    Doctor Who. This is one of the most epic sci fi television series (not to mention made in Europe) I have ever seen. If you ever get the chance, watch this show seriously!!! Those of you who have seen the show (and by have seen the show I mean watch it obsessively [have seen every episode]) then I have a few questions:

    1. What do you think?
    2. Seriously what do you think?
    3. Doctor Who, exactly?
    4. Did you even understand the pun I just made?
    5. Which Doctor is your favorite? (Personally mine is David Tennant, but Matt Smith is starting to grow on me)
    6. Who was/is your favorite partner (Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, etc.)?
    7. On a scale of one to ten how much do you like the show (come on, show me some Doctor answers!!)

    Well, I hope you honestly don't just scroll through each question Like an Idiot and answer each in order. Oh and a real test for the fans, what is BADWOLF? How do you think it is linked to the new episodes (Impossible Astronaut, Day of the Moon)?
  2. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    Well, its quite simple, actually, just reverse the polarity of the neutron flow.

    Its a fantastic show, despite the occasional bad episode.

    Just The Doctor.

    Yes, and it was a very lame pun.

    As I happen to think Tennant is the most overrated Doctor, I have to say Christopher Eccleston. Yeah, he only last one season, but the packed more awesome into 13 episodes than Tennant and Smith have in their entire runs combined.

    Captain Jack Harkness. Yes, he counts. He appeared in multiple episodes and traveled in the TARDIS along side Rose (who I absolutely hate for becoming a complete Mary Sue after the first season) and Martha. Hell, he would have probably lasted longer if the Doctor didn't abandon him for whatever reason.

    About 82 Jelly Babies.

    Well, I did, what do you say about that?

    Bad Wolf was pretty good two-parter up until the ending, which I still say is a total ass pull on the part of Davies to have a convenient excuse to kill The Doctor thanks to Eccleston opting not to return for a second season.

    Its not. Bad Wolf was the story arc of the first season of the new series, you know, 6 years ago. Its especially unlikely that it will be revisited considering that Moffat is unlikely to bring in companions from Davies' run on the show for a few reason: First, many aspects of Davies' run are polarizing and I doubt Moffat wants to open up more flame wars than there already are, second, he made sure to burn as many bridges with the very first thing he wrote as head writer: The 10th Doctor's regeneration.
  3. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ King's Apprentice

    Dec 17, 2008
    Inside your mind.
    I LOVE Doctor Who! Its the absolute best TV Show in the history of ever, closely followed by Torchwood. And yeah, they've used that pun a lot.

    I think Matt Smith is ok, but David Tennant will always be my fave. I never got to watch the old series so I can't judge on any of them. Fave partner was Rose, followed by Jack (He was so awesome he got his own series). That said, Amy and Rory are damn awesome.

    BADWOLF is the entity that Rose Tyler became after absorbing the time vortex, granting her almost godlike powers, but she couldn't control it, so ol' big ears Chris had to take if from her and regenerate. I don't think it has anything to do with current series, no will it be used again. TBH, I don't think we'll see much of the 'old crowd' (Rose, Martha, Donna, etc.) ever again, except maybe an appearance or two from Jack.
  4. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    1. What do you think?
    I haven't seen many episodes but I from what I HAVE seen, this Doctor makes some impressive house calls...

    2. Seriously what do you think?
    Its got great action and an awesomely designed time machine. :lolface:

    3. Doctor Who, exactly?

    4. Did you even understand the pun I just made?
    Only someone very, VERY special wouldn't get it...

    5. Which Doctor is your favorite? (Personally mine is David Tennant, but Matt Smith is starting to grow on me)
    Tennant. His acting was great and he made the Doctor very real to me.

    6. Who was/is your favorite partner (Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, etc.)?
    "DoctorDonna" because she was in an interesting episode with time travel and an alternate universe without the Doctor. It was one of the best episodes of any sci-fi show i've ever seen. I LOVED it.

    7. On a scale of one to ten how much do you like the show (come on, show me some Doctor answers!!)
    .................... Since I haven't seen many episodes, i've gotta agree with Cloud3514.

    Well, I hope you honestly don't just scroll through each question Like an Idiot and answer each in order.
    Well, I did, what do you say about that?

    Oh and a real test for the fans, what is BADWOLF?
    Bad Wolf is a bad wolf...?

    How do you think it is linked to the new episodes (Impossible Astronaut, Day of the Moon)?
    I have NO idea... ):
  5. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ King's Apprentice

    Dec 17, 2008
    Inside your mind.
    So, did anyone catch the latest episode? I won't detail what happens due to massive spoilers, but I honestly didn't see the twist at the end coming at all. I thought it was a very good episode, though. It just goes to show that the Doctor's immense reputation isn't always a good thing.
  6. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I am usually surrounded by it, my friends are usually deep in conversation about recent episodes and yet I sit there bewildered as to what is going on.

    I did watch it once though and did enjoy it despite it being quite freaky. I never really understood the entire storyline of the series so that is why I don't watch it, I can imagine it being something I could eaily get into but I don't think I will. Needless to say, I like David Tennant as the doctor, I've seen the adverts for it and he just seemed best from those, however I'm judging on very little information here.
  7. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ King's Apprentice

    Dec 17, 2008
    Inside your mind.
    Yeah, if you haven't watched it from at least the start of the 'New' series (I.e, the first epidsode with Christopher Eccleston) it can be easy to get lost in whats happening. Another thing that can confuse people on a few occasions is if they haven't watched any of Torchwood- its basically a spin off series, set in the same universe but a bit more dark- lots more gore, sex, etc. There are a few occasions where the plot of both series intersect and people who only watch one can get lost.
  8. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Oh man, I love this show. I need to watch it right away whenever a episode shows.
    1. What do you think?
    I think I love it. there's no better way for me to say it.
    2. Seriously what do you think?
    Don't make me strain my brain to think of any better words for it, my vocabulary isn't good enough
    3. Doctor Who, exactly?
    The Doctor, exactly.
    4. Did you even understand the pun I just made?
    Yes, I noticed.
    5. Which Doctor is your favorite? (Personally mine is David Tennant, but Matt Smith is starting to grow on me)
    I think it's Matt Smith. I didn't like him at first, but he turned out to be a great doctor. Funny too.
    6. Who was/is your favorite partner (Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, etc.)?
    I think my favorite partner would have to be either Ammy or Martha. But if we're counting all, definately River and Jack
    7. On a scale of one to ten how much do you like the show (come on, show me some Doctor answers!!)
    One of scale of 1 to 10? Are you mad? Numbers are infinite, you can't grade it like that. You must give it relavence to something important for it to count. Now that is brilliant

    And I don't think BADWOLF is going to happen ever again. It really only had to do with Rose and the end of the world like with the ending of Season 1 and the Climax for Season 4. Love that ending btw, except for when they made them get all mushy that the holes are closing.
  9. Jⱥy King's Apprentice

    Jul 7, 2009
    I have only ever watched one episode of Doctor Who which was the 2010 Christmas special.
    To be entirely honest it had its moments which i did enjoy but the rest of the time i was a bit bored. I guess i'm just not into sci-fi.
  10. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    you should watch more than one episode. You never get the feel with just one episode. It is just too good for that
  11. Maggy Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2008
    ...why is this show so popular? I'm kinda curious about it now...

  12. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    watch it, it's great. Although I do have to say, I don't like the first season all that much. The 9th doctor is not really my favorite. He's not all that funny
  13. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    Basically, its because Doctor Who is a series that can literally take place at any place at any time. The only limit to where the show can go is the end of the writers' imaginations.

    Which is kinda missing the point of the 9th Doctor. The 9th Doctor spent the majority of his season as a veteran of the Time War so of course he wasn't all sunshine and happiness. Because of this, he probably had the best character development out of any incarnation of The Doctor. He started as a cold man who tried to avoid opening up to anyone, but, partly thanks to, ugh, Rose, he was able to open up to a variety of people, companions or otherwise, including Rose's family and Captain Jack Harkness. This caused him to regenerate as a completely different person than he was after the Time War. Hell, he regenerated with a massive smile on his face. In other words, the 9th Doctor's run on the show was mostly about the character development than goofy adventures that are more common for the 10th and 11th Doctors. Honestly, I'm sure he would have had more comedy if Eccleston hadn't opted out of a second season.

    To this I have to give some credit to Russell T. Davies, despite how much I dislike him (especially for his bullshit order of "The 9th Doctor can only be seen traveling with Rose," thus making it very unlikely that we're going to see the 8th Doctor's regeneration in any form), as he managed to build a very good character arc for the 9th Doctor.

    Besides, to say that Eccleston's run was nothing but grim misery is pretty much wrong, for comedy coming straight from The Doctor, look at the episodes "The Unquiet Dead" (see his first interaction with Charles Dickenson), "Boom Town" (frankly, its not a very good episode, but it is still humorous due to the fact that it doesn't take itself seriously at all) and almost every interaction with Captain Jack he has.
  14. TigerRider33 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 26, 2010
    1. What do you think?
    Needs more Jammy DOdgers, Fez's, BOwties, and Jelly Babies. ;)

    2. Seriously what do you think?
    It's great. A great mix of humor and seriousness.

    3. Doctor Who, exactly?
    Only one person other then the Doctor knows his name true name. :p Ask Professor Song. ;0

    4. Did you even understand the pun I just made?
    Yep, and let's say that it's been run into the ground around Gallifrey for years.

    5. Which Doctor is your favorite? (Personally mine is David Tennant, but Matt Smith is starting to grow on me)
    Having watched Tennants last season, all of Matt's first season, and working on Ecclestons' at the same time, I think that 11's my favorite right now, since that's the only one that I've been able to watch on a constant run.

    6. Who was/is your favorite partner (Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, etc.)?
    Hmm.....I like Amy, but I think that I've got to go with Donna. I liked her interaction with the Doctor, including this scene from The Unicorn and the Wasp: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_7iROatwas

    7. On a scale of one to ten how much do you like the show (come on, show me some Doctor answers!!)
    On a scale of one to ten......11. >:P I love the show. It's great. Drives my mom and sister insane but i don't care. ;)
  15. Roxas&Sora4E Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 5, 2011
    Does it matter. Stalker.
    I only watched the Doctor Who series with Matt Smith in it. Its a really good shoiw and I love it! Some shows leave ou with cliff hangers and I just cant wait to see the next show. But above all, I dont think the show really needs that much improvment. :lolface: XD