Who in their right mind would make a trophy that you get only after getting through all of the Sphere grid? And not just one person, but them all? I spent most of yesterday and all of this morning and afternoon grinding for money so I can get Lv 4 key spheres, so I can grind through the grid, then grind for money, then grind through the grid, then grind for spheres, then grind through the grid, and after all of that, I've only managed to get Yuna through it.......only to find out that you get the trophy after using stat spheres to fill in empty nodes. And I've got to do this for 6 other characters to get the second trophy? I could have beaten this game and started FFX-2 by now, but nooo, I had to get it in my head to fight the Dark Aeons and Penance.....did I mention I haven't touched blitzball yet? My inner child is crying at my masochism
Ah yes 100% Completion. Or is it Unnecessary Padding? Oddly enough, FFX is not included on the trope page.