My friend went to jail, he got into an assault, I was a witness to this and I saw that he was using it for self defense, yet the court found him guilty, I saw his mom crying, and his dad looking at the judge like he was dissipoint. Its been 3 years since my friend was in jail, I ask him if their is anyway I can help, he replies that their is a kid who set him up, he asks me to kill him, if that's what it takes, so be it. I grab my switchblade and go to the kids house at night, I knock on the door, unfortunately when he answered it he knew what I was their for. He immediately punched me in the gut, I get the wind knocked out of me as I lay on the ground, he starts kicking me in the face, I grab his leg and trip him to the ground, I slammed my foot to his face to break his nose, I do so but as I was ready to stop my foot a second time he grabs my leg and throws me across the room, he gets out his own switch blade as I roll left to avoid it, his knife gets stuck in the wall, he tries to get it out, but before he can I kick him across the room, an eye for an eye right? Than he lays their I grab a butchers knife and say, "any last words?" he replies " least I had Recces for breakfast" I take a pause and reply "candy? for breakfast?" he jumps back up and reply's "not just candy its Recces puff cereal!" so he gives me the nearest bowl and BOOM! My taste buds are dancing in a chocolaty and peanut buttery mix. As the kid replies "Recces puffs cereal, its Recces, for breakfast!" PS: This is a joke.
Saw that coming a mile away. One of my friends is still in jail for cussing at a court hearing, though. Sixty days.
Yeah... We are sending letters and calling in and so on, but getting him out is not all that likely now that they have handed a sentence down.
My Dad was a "Bouncer" as they call them , at a Club , drunks and everything, That should explain everything.