I don't care HOW much you hate or love DmC

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jube, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
  3. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006

    This 100%.

    People need to get it into their heads that there isn't going to be another DMC like the originals. If DmC didn't exist then there wouldn't be any more in the franchise. It was reboot or bust. Not having DmC isn't magically going to mean one like the old ones is going to appear or be developed.

    If DmC fails, then the franchise is dead. You are not going to see a a revert back to the old DMC.
  4. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  5. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    I think there's hope Capcom will revert back to the original DMC. Dante is still being featured in cross over games.

    But I'd rather have DmC fail and the series put to rest than have its name slandered by another game with Donte McFUCKYOU and boring gameplay.
  6. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    I guess it all depends on how Capcom see's operation crazy

    If anything atleast we can rest easy that Devil May Cry and rest in peace now
  7. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Pretty much. It's the same thing that's happened to Silent Hill. I'd gladly take the series stopping for a long time over more **** like Homecoming and Downpour.
  8. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nope I highly doubt there they will. There wouldn't have been a reboot if Capcom thought there was a future with the old Dante.

    I see that second point as rather selfish. Why deny people enjoyment over something because you weren't personally happy with. I hate Twilight but I don't want to see it die because it has "ruined" vampires. I just ignored it and let the people who like it, like it.


    I hate to break it to you people but the old DMC series had it's fair share of **** stains. Remember DMC2, the game that almost killed the franchise. Then you have the DMC4 which had some stupid design choices and was overall underwhelming. The only good ones were 1 and 3. 50% good track record, not exactly good.

    I saw this posted on Tumblr earlier today, I may not agree 100% with it, but you get the point.

    Devil May Cry: Dante, a cardboard-cutout avatar for action-hero tropes and teenage power-fantasies fights against demons, bad platforming, and artifacts of the Resident Evil franchise.

    Remembered fondly by: Teenagers in the year 2001.

    - Devil May Cry 2: Dante, a cardboard-cutout avatar for action-hero tropes and teenage power-fantasies fights against harmless demons, bad platforming, and design choices so bad they almost killed the franchise.

    Remembered fondly by: Nobody.

    - Devil May Cry 3: Dante, a cardboard-cutout avatar for action-hero tropes and teenage power-fantasies fights against demons, his brother, and a script that swears Dante’s lame and desperate attempts to look badass were intentional all along.

    Remembered fondly by: People who played Devil May Cry 2.

    - Devil May Cry 4: Dante, a cardboard-cutout avatar for action-hero tropes and teenage power-fantasies fights against demons… sometimes.

    Remembered fondly by: People who never played Bayonetta.
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
  10. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  11. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    But iplayed Bayonetta (not all the way through) and enjoyed the part of DmC 4 that I played.
  12. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  13. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
  14. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    Twilight ruined vampires? What? That seems like a huge overstatement and not really relevant to the discussion. Vampires aren't exclusive to Twilight, and there's always new things with vampires in them. It's one thing to just tolerate a series you don't like or care about, but it's another thing to see a series you once loved get a new title that is everything BUT what the series represented. Especially when it's likely the change is permanent and new titles will continue to soil the series name for the sake of brand recognition.

    And I'm sorry but,

    "a cardboard-cutout avatar for action-hero tropes and teenage power-fantasies fights against demons, his brother, and a script that swears Dante’s lame and desperate attempts to look badass were intentional all along."

    This sounds more like Ninja Theory's Dante than ANYTHING. The whole game is a teenage power-fantasy that appeals to people who still find Foamy the Squirrel humorous and informing. These descriptions sound like they were written by someone who tried to play DMC for the story, and thinks DmC's story and script has any actual merit.

    I'm not denying DMC never had flaws, but they all had things that made them great* as well. DmC has nothing that makes it great. All it has is pretty and varied environments and one or two interesting boss fights.

    *excluding DMC2
  15. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  16. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    DMC2 didn't exist though.

    Capcom skipped the number 2 because DMC3 was good enough to count for both.
  17. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007

    I'm sorry but...

    e, I'm well aware that there are flaws with the previous Devil May Cry games as most games tend to have flaws.
    However if you saw those things as flaws then you seem to have missed the point and in fact missed the point of many forms of entertainment mediums.

    First and foremost, only the first part describes Dante.
    The second part is EXACTLY what Donte is.
    Dante is a clash of old action hero and John Woo films.
    He's an over the top guy who manages to save the day by making cheesy one liners and saying dorky things like "groovy" and "stylish".
    He also eats pizza.

    Is this a flat character with little substance? Yes
    Is this a flaw? Absolutely not.
    Realize the implications of what you are saying.
    By saying that Dante's personality is a flaw then you are saying that every action movie made within the 80's and 90's are flawd due to thier main characters.
    Rambo, Die Hard, Ever Arnold movie, etc. Hell even some kids show relied on the badass big guy action heroes, however a lot of them were far from flawed, in fact some of those shows and movies were pretty ****ing great.

    Most people think Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness is a good movie. Are there flaws with the movie? Of course and I could name them but I don't feel like it.
    But Ash's character is NOT a flaw. Sure he's a shallow and flat and lacks as much substance as say Batman from the Tim Burton AND Christopher Nolan movies but we love him because he's an enjoyable character to watch. He kills zombies, demons and other creatures while making wise cracking remarks, naming his gun and having a chainsaw as an arm. It's over the top and most of all it's TONGUE IN CHEEK, it doesn't take itself seriously and that's what allows you to enjoy the over the topness of the character.

    It's the same deal with Dante within DMC1-4 and even Nero to an extent. Dante is a flat character with little substance like Ask or Rambo but he's fun as **** to watch, his acrobatics make us go "whoa", his lines make us go "DANTE WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE'S A ****ING DEMON IN FRONT OF YOU! NO TIME FOR THIS ****!" and once again it's very TOUNGE IN CHEEK.
    The Devil May Cry series will never go too long without reminding you how insane and over the top the game is. You can have a serious and touching scene only to have Dante drive up a tower on a motorcycle a few seconds later while shooting ****ers with a rocket launcher bayonet thingemmajig.

    Now of course you may not like that. Perhaps you can't enjoy those kind of character's no matter what and maybe you DO think the Evil Dead series is bad. But the point is due to the context and manner of the movies/games, these are not flaws for the character but rather what makes them enjoyable in the first place.

    DmC: Devil May Cry has no idea WHAT it's trying to be. It started off with a silent Donte that was tortured and beat up by demons and **** but then Tameem was like "DAMN! THOSE DMC FANS DON'T LIKE THIS ****! QUICK! TRY AND MAKE HIM SAY COOL STUFF!".
    The end result was a disaster.
    We instead have a character who were SUPPOSE to take seriously with his past and his characterization and how he handles situations. But instead his "jokes" and one liners come off as lame, out of place and tasteless because they're done in such a non TONGUE IN CHEEK manner.
    It also doesn't help that Donte in general is a mean spirited guy who NT tries to advertise as "cool".

    This is Travis Touchdown
    He's mean spirited
    He's pretty much exactly like Donte

    But here's the main difference
    Travis is fun to watch because of how other character's interact with him. Nobody except the real crazies treat him like some sort of hero.
    He's constantly called out on his behavior and the Assassins and characters he face generally make fun of him because of his personality and mannerisms. Nobody praises him.

    Donte is treated like the coolest ****er around.
    He's placed in a serious story where the game tries to reinforce "Donte is the hero of this story, everything he does is right and he always knows his ****".
    The game actually wants us to root for Donte wheras with Travis you laugh when you see him fall into a sandpit and have a grenade blow up in his face. And it's hard to root for someone who's as mean spirtied and obnoxious as Donte especially when it's not done in a TONGUE IN CHEEK manner.

    Twilight didn't ruin vampire.
    Twilight did not take on the name "Nosferatu" or "Dracula" and attempt re-work the story and characters to their liking in an asinine manner.
    Twilight simply showed interest in the vampire culture and thus several other books featuring vampires were created.

    DmC attempts to use the characters and story of Devil May Cry and re-work it for it's own purpose and it comes out pretty bad in my opinion.
    Because of that I would rather look back on Devil May Cry and let it die as opposed to letting it continue on as a ragged and mangled corpse.
    It's hard to see things you love have to walk the planet as a zombie regardless of how many other people like to **** that corpse.
    You can ignore it but does it really make a difference? You would have no problem with if the zombie was just dead in the ground anyway so there's really no difference between wanting to see DMC RIP in peace and ignoring DmC's existence.
  18. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    Looks fun, Im going to go pick it up soon
  19. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
  20. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    It's a pretty good game.

    I actually had a friend who had the whole "I'm gonna hate this game, it's gonna be ****." send me a message on Facebook last week, saying "I take back everything bad I said about DmC."