I don't understand everyone's beef with Twilight Princess. To be honest, it's one of my favorite Legend of Zelda video games and I think Link's facial expressions in the game were pretty cool. I also thought that it paved the way just a bit for Skyward Sword in the design and carried on a little of what everyone liked about Ocarina of Time. Plus all of the things you can collect make for time consuming side-quests, and although they're hardly comparable to the ones in Majora's Mask, I still enjoy the game a great deal.
I liked Twilight Princess as well. It's not my favourite but I still liked it. I was a wee bit disappointed with it but that's to be expected since I was incredibly excited about it. The only thing that let it down for me was the supporting characters. Zelda and Midna were great but the likes of Colin...I wish they'd taken him away!
Don't get me wrong, I love TP. It was one of my favourites, because I wanted another dark game like Majora's Mask. It's just that I went through this phase where I was so obsessed with it and I completed and restarted it 7 times. (I'm not kidding, I had this complete-as-fast-as-you-can save, get-every-single-item save, have-fun-with-glitches save, etc XD). It's just that I've played it too many times, at such close intervals that the fun has gone out of it for me. XD
Ah, Twilight Princess. One of my first Zelda games, actually I'm pretty sure it was my first proper console Zelda game (Pretty sure Phantom Hourglass was my first ever Zelda game). I enjoyed it quite a bit, even though I raged at certain temples coughcityintheskycough. I played through it maybe...twice? I'm not too keen on replaying Zelda games, I just get sick of them too quickly.