It's not that confusing, other than the question why. But that's something that the sequel will go into. They seem to be sticking to the plan of rolling to credits mid scene like they did with AC1. It's annoying but my god do I want to play the next one.
I agree on that part, Desmond wasn't that much of a factor at all in AC2. Maybe this is a hint at AC3 being completely in Desmond's time. Not likely though.
It's hard to wonder what the next time frame is. People believe it will be another Era.. I actually think this time it will be Desmond. We will play as Desmond, but I don't even know what will happen. D: Oh well they better make Ass creed 3, amazing <3
The stupidest idea I ever heard for a sequel so far was have them go into Japan... because Desmond obviously has Japanese in him.
SABBY DON'T LOOK AT THIS! Spoiler For me it was more of a question as to when. Did this happen in the future, present or past? Since Ezio used the Apple to gain knowledge of the future and the possibility of a memory inside a memory was mentioned (They went all Inception on us. D: ). Then there's Cesare's last words. @__@
LOL I know right 2 Weeks ago I traded in like, Prototype, Armored Core 4, and a whole bunch of DS games and got Assassin's Creed 1 and 2 :DDDD (Cause Jellybeing or Kitty said it was a good game) I JUST beat the second. Im so getting Brotherhood, but, do you need to play all the side games to understand it all? Like am I missing a good chuck of story if I dont play the side games?
No. You are not really missing anything. I would say the only one that was a bit entertaining/of importance to me was Bloodlines on PSP. Which was pretty much how Altair and Maria start to love each other (Altair has a Middle-Eastern accent in this fff. Unrealistic American accent Altair me likes.) But you can read a summary about all the side games on the Assassins Creed wiki or something.