I want to buy a good RPG game, but seing that I can't decide, maybe you guys could help me. So, wich one do you recommend me?
Yiazmat Rougue Galaxy. Don't get the new .Hack games, they got terrible reviews. Rougue Galaxy did well.
Game Trailers has shoddy reviewers at times, as do many other gaming sites. I found .Hack to be an amazing game. Yes there are some flaws, but it rocks. Rogue Galaxy was pretty mediocre in my opinion. Seeing as you have .Hack GU: Reminiscence you must have already played Rebirth. No sense in not finishing the series. Reminiscence all the way.
Well, I have a PS2 system, and I have Final Fantasy 7: Dirge of Cereberus; Final Fantasy 12; KH;KH Final Mix; KHII; KHII Final Mix+; .hack//G.U. Vol. 1: Rebirth and I want to get .hack//G.U. Vol. 2: Reminisce, but then Odin Sphere got out, and I think it's an awsome game. Right now, I only can buy, so I want to buy the one that will give more pleasure of playing.. That's wy I'm asking for your opinions..I mean who can give better advice, than the people who have already played it?
A good RPG? Good luck. RPGs nowadays suck... Try Tales of Symphonia or Tales of Abyss if you don't have them. .Hack G.U. is pretty good as well. Rouge Galaxy is a waste of good time, so is FFXII...
Try The Legend of Dragoon. It is an old RPG from the year 2000. But it still a great game! (I only beat it once..:()
But I tend to find GT's reviews to be the best IMO. Odin Sphere as said to be good, and has got good reviews.
Thanks for your opinions and advices guys, but I've made my decision. As for now, I'm going to buy .hack//G.U. Vol. 2: Reminisce, and then I'm going to save money to buy Odin Sphere. Once again, thanks for your help on my decision!