Anyone know a good browser based game to play but not Dragonfable, Mechquest, Adventure quest, Bleach Tactics or Naruto-Arena. Thanks in advance XD
Runescape is the only browser based game I've seen thats actually any good. If you've never played it before its awesome. But after a while it'll just kill your soul...literally...
Really sorry about my last post...I didn't mean to spam/troll... I dunno maybe you could try World Of Warcraft?
Yeah...Runescape is very good, and one of the most popular free MMORPGs Also, you can take many many paths in it and do whateva you want to, as well as chatting with people. If you want a smaller, but fun multiplayer browser game that's nowhere near as mediocre as BattleOn, then there's Arcanists, a multiplayer game on Funorb it also has some other gwd games. Runescape/Funorb are both by Jagex, so if you make an account on one you can share it with the other. They're both free to play, and have a cheap membership(I havent gotten a membership) if you play them a lot and want more features. Anyway, I have an account on both and sometimes play them a lot, except I'm more the Forum type instead of gaming, but I can still tell you Runescape is def worth it :)
No offence or anything but Runescape is a terrible game I played it for 20 minutes 4 years ago and i was bored sh*tless