While I do agree the video has come good editing, I've said it before and I'll keep saying it; If you have to state that you are the best at something, then odds are that you are not the best. And the moving frames kind of made me a little motion sick.
This reminds me of when I went to a con, and in the video room, they played all eight of the Endless Eight episodes from the second season of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. While it was an interesting experience, there were too many moments of stimulation overload.
no sh*t im not the best .i love the way people think im serious when i boast about stuff its funny to see. apparently my repetive "haha" cannot people a hint ahahXD
A+ for not realizing im trying to be cocky. 0/10 for thinking im annoyed thinking im annoyed at her comment. In all honesty i did not like the video , that's why i lost inspiration im obviously not the best editor i just love boasting hahahahaha
Your overreactions are not helping your case. Communicate a bit more calmly and it'll sound more sincere.
im not overracting omgXD, ok i will stop laughing it seems like you don't like that sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable.
I'm not uncomfortable at all, but, as I've told people in similar situations before, repeatedly saying "I'm not [whatever mood]" is not a very good defense. That's got to make sense, right?
im sorry i understand but i am legit not overreacting. i am just answering your false assumption about me which is that i am overeacting , i understand from your point of view that you may think that i am overreacting i mean i don't you and you don't know me , we know nothing about each other, if you got to know me you would know i never overeact for these kind of things always pretty much joke about them lol. so i understand you may think im overeacting but im truly not ahahXD its just the way i communicate. sryy
I would prefer to remain known as "questionable". Perhaps I was merely replying in sarcasm to your own sarcastic humor. I'm told it is the language of geniuses. I could easily be mistaken.