Traditional Art I AM STUMPED. Again.

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by HOSPITAL STAT!, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    So basically we have to make an A2 poster on a person in our class (we picked a name out of a hat). Though we're in a bit of dump (*AGAIN*) since we had to somehow finish it in the span of 3 hours. I didn't even HAVE a fix idea yet. Finish in 3 hours, but printed by tomorrow, beginning of class. Luckily, our teacher isn't here tomorrow so I thought I'd finish it at home then print at school during the day. But since working on A2 on this computer is bordering the impossible, I simply tried to adjust what I did already. Saaad, saaaad. ]:



    I really think the main problem is the spacing of the many elements; I tried to fix it to a max - it was much worse before - but I'd like some suggestions and thoughts. But crits sure as hell aren't limited to that, say whatever you feel and if I feel I can adjust it, I'll do it tomorrow. Also, in the second version I tried to play more with the traditional side by adding papers and stuff, so you can give your opinions on that. It's admittedly not worked on at all though.
  2. amythest Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 16, 2007
    on earth
    i think it looks very cool! i love the way it is white on black not vise versa... in my oppinion i like the second one better, the face of the girl however is a little too light in the second one. if you are sticking with the first one you could add something under her arm or something it is a little bare there, but try not to crowd it... other than that i tink it looks PERFECT! XP
  3. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    Yup, ended up doing the first but with a mix of the texture in the second. And also, added a spider under her arm to try and balance it, like suggested. Here's the final results I printed! The girl I did on ended up really liking it.


    Also, did a little sketch on an idea I had in my mind for one of the propositions--- I like the results, but the perspective (around the ground anyway) is kinda fail. D':

  4. amythest Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 16, 2007
    on earth
    wow it looks really good! i love your style of drawing ^^