I keep on hoping this is totally fake just from the sheer stupidity of it. If it is, let me know... But holy hell...... The only bright news I see out of this is they're finally shutting up Mattrick.
I like the fact that they're saying PS4 is a security risk also for military bases and they won't use it for online gaming. That alone makes me hope this is fake.
I can't wait for the poor idiot who buys the next CoD game for over $1,700 early and can't play it until release day. *true story* I like how they're defending every single policy like it actually makes sense and appeals to customers. The whole PSN defense is hilarious. I got PSN for free with the system and got a few games brand new for free. Now they're offering Assassin's Creed II, (which I already have) and Fable III, which I heard sucks saying it's better. I feel bad for Microsoft so much. They still should apologize for Mattrick's comments, at least they know he's doing more damage now.