Obama won. Romney didn't. Get over it and stop going on and on and on and on about it. I hate politics and I don't care about your opinion. I hate this school. /rant
imo it's good people are discussing politics. Granted a lot of people are uninformed and are basing their opinion on party loyalties and (I shudder to think) the mainstream media's reporting, but all the same, I like it when young people get involved in our country's issues.
Just point out that it doesn't matter who won because Obama is just as bad as Romney. Says the Fog of Twelve Years.
If we look at this statistically... H0: Romney = Obama H1: Romney != Obama with an alpha of let's call it .05 and a sample of n1 = 1 term and n2 = 0 term let's test the statistic of their comparative mean global approval ratings during their times as president Nothing can be concluded, therefore H0 cannot be rejected. So Romney and Obama are the same. I doubt you actually followed the statistical method, but there is some actual traction to your comment even if it was made in jest.
Oh, if you wanna discuss politics, fine, go ahead. But the thing it PEOPLE ARE STILL COMPLAINING AND SCREAMING ABOUT THE ELECTION AND I AM SO DONE. That's one of the reasons I don't want to get into politics, ever, because all it will end up being is people bitching at me because I think Obama is a better President than Romney. It happened today. I said I liked Obama better, and even after specifically saying I gave no f8cks about politics or the economy or anything, I still got bitched at because 'Oh, Romney bluhbluhbluhbluh'. I DON'T CARE. So excuse me for not wanting to get bitched at because I have a f8cking opinion.
Honestly, people are still complaining about the election between Gore and Bush and what happened in Florida.
People should at the very least be knowledgeable about politics. Not everyone needs to be involved beyond voting, but everyone should at least know what they're voting for. People will probably always complain when they lose. It's one of the things that prevents cooperation. People ***** because they didn't win, and out of spite refuse to cooperate with the person who did win.
I mean, people should respect your opinion and all, but if you have a belief, it's good to challenge it and have a healthy debate with someone (i.e. an exchange of ideas, not "this is why you're wrong"). Of course, someone should respect it if you decline to participate, but all the same, expressing your preference of Obama over Romney means that you have at least some interest in politics, likely because they affect you as an American citizen you must have some sort of evidence to back up your claim Unfortunately a lot of people are immature about politics, they're obsessed with proving themselves "right" or triumphing over their opposition rather than addressing issues, learning from one another, and compromising. So I understand your argument there.
To be honest, I also f*cking hate politics. But the only way I am able to cope over this is discussing it. Sure, what I just said may sound hypocritical, but really, talking about politics is inevitable. You have the right to remain quiet about it and all, but it really isn't going to just die like a trend. Just let the people who know or don't know what they're doing continue to argue and debate.
Uh . . . Huh. A good portion of KHV members ( active ones anyway ) live in the United States, and we have as much right to talk about it as people from the UK or Australia have the right to talk about their area's politics as we about ours ( though ours is kinda . . . ****ed up, but eh ). In any case, hating politics is having a political opinion, just throwing that out there, and you don't have to care, just don't pay attention to it. Not that big of a deal. The world doesn't stop moving for people who don't like politics.