I am sick of it.

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Mvalentine, Jun 16, 2010.

  1. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    And I mean sick of it all...I can't stand school any more I don't know what to do with myself anymore...It's gotten to the point that 2 people talk to me, forgetting the bullies in that...There were more but one of the 2 people fell ill and won't be in school for a while...So I don't exist to them anymore...The one soul that does talk to me gets me to smoke...Which today has gotten me a massive reputation foe being seen with one...Which I really don't want to do...and is also trying to get me on drugs aswell...But I don't really want to say no to anything but the drugs as much as I dislike him...Because he's all I have left until my other friend get better...The bullying never stops...Always been told to either fight back or ignore it...I cannot fight...I don't know why but I cannot purposely cause harm...And using words against me gets my ass kicked twice as hard...And the more I ignore them the worse they get...I'm far too shy to tell anyone except the friend whos ill...I'm also filled with the stress of having 3 pieces of coursework all due at once...Which is costing me sleep and forcing me to skip meals...I was given the option to move schools at the begining of the year...But I couldn't leave my ill friend behind and I've promised I wouldn't...This has gotten to the point where I really have no idea what to do...So please any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated as this is really really starting to make me emotional. so please if you have any ideas at all don't hold back.
    Thanks for reading all that ~ Rob
  2. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Maybe expand yourself, go out and make new friends, get your mind off of the stress you have, express your stress somehow, anything that can help I would recommend going for. Smoking isnt the way to go though, if it means avoiding that friend that is trying to pressure you to smoke, that is most likely the right choice.
  3. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    I have been avoiding him...As much as possible...I detest smoking...And making friends...I'm no social butterfly...With unfamilliar people I can't even hold up my end of a conversation...So its difficult at the moment...especially with the pressure of exams and corsework...I haven't the time to go out as it is...I was stuck on time as it was...Which is why I'm eating less and sleeping as little s possible
  4. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    If that guy is making you smoke and do drugs for his friendship, he's not your friend. That's not a good situation to be in at all, and I'd personally rather have no friends than a friend like him. If you still want to be his friend, you could say something along the lines of "I won't smoke, but I'll still be your friend."
    Try to get involved in extracurricular things, like clubs. That way you'll find people with the same interests as you. Even if you're shy, if you find the right people you can make good friends.
  5. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    How about you talk to your family members, and make friends outside of school, and perhaps tell them about what is going on. This way, they can have your back, since you stated you cannot purposely cause harm.
  6. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    This is a serious situation. You truly need to inform your parents, because smoking isn't good for your health. Feeling so cornered in school isn't right, either.

    If these things are hurting you to such a great extent, then you need to let your parents know just how serious the situation is. Only then can you work something out.
  7. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    Extra-curricular...Is something I don't have time for...Besides that the school I go to has nothing to offer that I want other than education...And I find it difficult to talk to my parents about my troubles...Honestly since I was little I didn't tell them if I was ill even when it got more serious...they still don't know I occasonally suffer breathing problems...I'm too shy and too reluctant to cause worry.
  8. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    They're your parents.
    It's, like, their job to take care of you. Yea, I know it's impossible to tell them everything, but please please please tell them if your not well or if you're seriously worried about something.

    And perhaps you should get a planner?
    I always find that helps when I'm pressed for time.
    Less interwebs time and more schoolwork time, ne?
  9. squidgy617 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 30, 2009
    This is probably a good idea.

    This sounds like a bad situation. I've had hardships, but never like this. I really can't relate much, the closest I've had is a few friends that misbehave, which is something that I stay away from as much as possible.

    One suggestion: Does your ill friend have any other friends as well? If they do, than it may be a good idea to meet them. One of my friends introduced me to his friends, and they're all very fun to be around (all KH fans as well), so it helps alot to get to know your friends' friends.

    That's probably all I can say, really...
  10. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    I know I should be able to talk to my parents about anything...im told over and over i can...but really every time I try I shy away...Same goes for close friends...I can only relly talk through the internet...And as much as I love the idea of a planner...As I post on khv...I write roughly 200 words on my coursework in between...I am trying so hard to keep up...Right now my schedule of work, work, work only just allows a social life with a few close friends irl...But they are usually too lazy to leave their bedroom on a day to day basis so I end up either with the guy who smokes or alone in my room on khv when I have free time.
  11. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    Why don't you send your parents an Email then?
    Pretend your talking to one of us?
    Hell, why not just send them the link to this thread >_>

    And I would totally pick the site over the smoker. At least we are trying to help.
  12. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    Email...May be an idea...Just gotta figure out what to write without causing too much worry...And I am picking the site over the smoker beleive me thats why I made this, it's not worth it it's just...difficult.