i have that problem a lot too But for serious, I have this problem where my hands are really really warm. Like all the time. Sometimes it gets really bad and they swell and get itchy. :'c It's v. unfortunate.
I almost feel like being all cheesy and saying "I wanna hold your haaaaaand" But I'm not romantic I guess.
I asked for medical attention from my biology teacher and she said "well you know what they say, warm hands, cold heart" and made this face like "hahahahaha ... that is what you get for drawing Harry Potter characters during my class!!" :'c
Don't worry, I shall look upon said drawings and critique them with a positive demeanor :> long as they don't suck
And if I was in that class that would be when the teacher feels the sting of a pen hurled like a dart at her side, quite flustered but unable to trace the source.
My hands are always freezing if there is any cold. It's like snow miser on hoth up in here. "I wanna hold your haaaaaand"
hey count your blessins, my entire school was so hot that the chairswere bendable and screachable with semiease and my cassroom smelled like a unclean cats litterbox with melting tootsiepops in it
I think maybe you should have called a safety official or scientist or something if the chairs were bendable...
i don't know if i was the only one to noticed but it was kinda like bending a much harder gold bar in a way, the only reason i notced was because i accedentally bent the back of my chair when i ste my elbow ontop of it and pretty much caused a big dent but it ws freaky!