These repulsive series of essays were ridiculous. That all nighter was draining. I'm going to hand these puppies in and I'll see you guys in a few weeks after my hibernation commences shortly thereafter... (omg im going to die)
Good luck to all of you guys! After that... Hope you have a good summer! While mine will be over when your summer vacation starts... :(
I don't finish till the first week in June. And even after that I may have to attend a summer class in maths (May the Goddess of Wisdom grant me strength) and I have 2 vendor exams I want to take before the end of June. And then there's work... Looks like my summer vacation is...never happening.
I'm about ready to just die and collapse from exhaustion. I was doing homework last night, and my friend contacts me and says "Goodbye, I hope you miss me if I die tonight", so i spent from about 10 pm to 1 am talking to her and letting her know I cared. I was so focused on that, I didn't finish my work.
I considered not delaying my future a semester and taking a gym class this summer... but I don't really fancy spinning at 6am, you know?
17 (school) days for me. I thought about studying for my ap exam tomorrow, then I thought "lol nope." idgaf anymore. **** you high school i dont like you. in a couple weeks ill never have to think about you again.
on the contrary, im too positive. words cant describe how happy i am to be this close to the end of hs
Don't die.......;A;!!! Three weeks left for me. Hdsrguvdyvude! Hang in there guys! Good luck to you all.
I finish school forever on Friday and I don't even have to go in on wednesday or thursday so I basically have 2 days left... I'm really upset because I will miss so many of my teachers and friends ;-; Of course, then I have exams which don't finish until June 19th and then a GLORIOUS BLISSFUL SUMMER!
I like being done school. Of course, now I'm a cashier trying to save up some cash so I can go to trade school in September 2014 and be happy and joyful and stuff.