My life is so boring that I have nothing to post on Facebook. All I can post is stuff about anime or video games that no one cares about .__. #hateslife #yesI'musinghashtags #thuglife #youcantdoshitbro
Who cares? Live your life however you want. You think people care that all I do is sit here on the internet and play games? Hell no, that's why I don't tell them.
why do people feel the need to post about the stuff they do on facebook? i mean, it's completely unnecessary and incredibly frightening to have all the information out there. anyways, don't do things just for the sake of putting something up on facebook. do it for yourself. it's much more satisfying.
I remember there was a time in my life where I would post 1-2 statues on Facebook a day. And complain on there and occasionally put song lyrics. -Shiver- Disgusting. Now I go on Facebook once or twice a week, and write a status like once a month.
Your life must be boring if you think not being able to update your facebook status means your life is boring.