What is the oldest subscribed thread you have in your subscribed threads folder? also, how many do you have? My settings are set so that if I reply to a thread it gets added to my subscribed threads. I currently have 4564 which is a lot less than I was expecting since my oldest one is from August 2007 http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=23179 I don't have the heart to unsubscribe from it now xD
I have two subscribed threads. First one is Misty's uber old graphic shop. I subscribed to it because I requested a signature. Funny thing is, she didn't do any of the signatures people asked. It dates back from November 2007. Second one is: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=31238 ^ Lol.
oh god, i remember and someone made like 2 alex clubs xD The oldest and only one i have been subscribed to is the post a picture of yourself thread
Me and Ghetto's rap battle thread. The first. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=64578&highlight=decide Memories. Started as everyone telling their opinions, to me, Ghetto and VGN talking about Soulja boy.
I only have 11. My last is from 6-6-08. Apparently its about me being up at 4am and my mom's alarm clock ringing. Boy I felt like **** the next day.
o: well you see I'm very busy doing things like eating fruit loops and staring at my toenails. I don't have any subscribed threads either, they kind of confuse me and I subscribed to a thread on another forum that was very popular and I never stop getting emails from it, it's so annoying.
I forgot I had subscribed threads. 8D http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=31649 It's one of Gerbilboi's stories about ElCouch. Lulz ensue.