Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by What?, Sep 2, 2012.
I am not feeling very gouda at the moment. Perhaps someone may help me brieathe out my sorrows?
I can't take you seriously with all those puns.
Draw folk! it's the only way. I'll take a Firo.
Oh my god I get it, you used the names of certain types of cheese in place of words! AHAHAHAHAHA.
Mozzarella your courage, dear What?. Things will surely be cheddar soon.
I Cantal. Watch a munster movie, read Tomme Sawyer, mime Olette, I dunno, do something.
These puns are stupid. I get them, they're just stupid.
This is why Ashwin will always be the Court Jester who never makes anyone laugh.
>Implying no one laughs along with Ashwin. Get the fuck out.
Meep, meep .
except i'm pretty sure i laughed?? 8(
What if they were to laugh at him, rather than with him? But you're a woman.