Possible Cars, the walk light JUST changed to STOP.. I kinda scrambled up and walked briskly to the other side.
Wow. It snowed a lot here in Northeast. (I live in NY.) You live in Northeast? I built a snowman with my little sister, and I also made a snow house...
The first time the snow blew here, it was crazy. We had a snowball fight with about 200 people in the middle of campus.
D: Finally someone who understands!! >.> It all happened on the way to college... I did manage to get there in the end... But just by the road near the location... I slipped whilst crossing the road (it was the ice) onto the front of a moving car. I rolled as fast as I could off the road. It was either that or getting run over. -_- However I came into class looking like a dirty hobo. Very. Embarassing.:.-.: Aside from that, I love snow.
There was really funny footage on the BBC news site of people having to crawl along a road on their hands and knees because it was too slippy to walk xD I'll see if I can find it.
Lol slipping on ice is something I've mastered. Surprisingly I've never slipped in the road though |: that's scary shit.