I go to a private school and I'm an atheist. I've been forced to go there by my parents because they want me to become a Christian. Anyway, one of our required classes is New Testament class and I can't drop it. We have to do this journal thing about 5 books of the new testament and what they mean to your faith. I said in it that they mean nothing to my faith and had to have a talk with the teacher about why I don't believe in a god. Would my presence in that class make me a hypocrite since I don't agree with anything they are saying but am still going to the class?
The sad thing is that this kind of environment is difficult for expressing one's views and being able to fully actualize one's full autonomy; schooling up until the end of high school is just a static environment that you have to endure. Ultimately it's up to you and how strongly you want to push for you current right to express your beliefs, but I suggest you just grin and bare it and bullshit until the end of the course. If you're being forced to reflect on the five books or whatnot just make something up. You should be creative enough if you're a conscientious Atheist.
Ya. I've gotten 3 write ups and a saturday for arguing with the teacher about my religion. I think the next time I do it is ISS. I really hate having to put up with it though.
I say stand up for what you believe in, but don't get yourself into trouble. I, myself, am an atheist, but I go to a Catholic school. I took religion class, but I didn't argue with what they said. It's their choice if they wanna believe what they do, but I wouldn't argue. No, you are no a hypocrite, so just make up religious stuff in your journal. Easy as that.
Well Heart i'll give you the perfect answer for your teacher as to why you don't believe in god: Christianity like all religions are what were created at the dawn of history to sooth peoples insecurities and to keep control of the people of the world from the inside.Religions such as christianity were created as the law of this world along the course of history.The thing is that as more and more religions spawned division formed and the clash of the beliefs began.Religion is the cause of discrimination,War and partition.If there was a god why do you think he'd leave his people squable amongst themselves about whether or not other gods are real, etc. slowly destroying themselves from the inside out? I can answer that, because there is no such thing as god.Modern law has just replaced it and religion has no place in this world. Heart try that answer but if that doesn't work say: Well if the bible and god are real why didn't jesus consider the god everyone worships as worthy of worship.According to the reconstructed ancient gospel, the gospel of judas god thought judas the true apostle because he and judas worshipped a god higher than the one that created the world. The bible and the various gospels all conflict with each other and yet you treat it like as if everything in there is what needs done.Belief in something as changing as this is nothing short of insantity. Are those answers good enough.These are my own beliefs but if you find that they apply to you then use them.
I'm probably gonna do that and I just put up with it last year but the teacher this year is annoying and makes us do all these stupid projects. I might use them the next time I feel the need to tell the teacher off for asking why I don't believe in a god.
If standing up for what you believe in means that you get in trouble then thats that.Teachers are people too and they can't do any damage to you but you can do damage to there beliefs.State stuff that you believe like various questions that could only confuse her.If that was me i wouldn't care.I would just push her back as much as possible.
Keep doing it.Even Organise something with the class where you get them all to ask a question that she can't explain.Like a strike.
I would but there are only 3 atheists in that class and everyone else in the class if afraid of getting in trouble.
It doesn't make you a hypocrite. It just means you don't fit into the subjects they teach, because you don't care and don't believe in it. The teacher should talk to your parents if anything after he/she has spoken to you. I mean, I can't even imagine how annoying it must be to not care about a piece of literature (personally) and then need to write how it appeals/reacts to you and your faith.
You don't have to believe in it, but I do think you should respect others views on beliefs, and no I do not think you are a hipocrite, just... try to pretend that things like this mean something to you, because if you don't, it's only bad grades for you in the future.
Wow... I feel sorry for you. This is one of things about Christianity that scares me, when faith and belief become forced upon someone. I agree about just putting up with it, because you might upset your family otherwise. But other than that, stay firm in your own beliefs (or lack of) and don't let anyone pressure you more than they have the right to.