
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Aug 25, 2008.

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  1. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: 20.....lol.jk....7

    OOC: Wahhh....i cant log in! T.T
  2. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Deathsight is it OK if i join.I really went into detail if that isn't too much trouble.

    Name: Jack
    Age: 17
    Race: civilian
    Weapons: A giant double edged sword from the middle ages that was never used by knight but was perfect for jack Name "Rain of darkness" which was bought from an old antique merchant along with a pair of an extinct weapon that died out shortly after the 20th century called a P90 Submachine gun.
    Appearance:A black trench coat,black jeans,black t-shirt and black boots.He has blond long side-cut hair and white eye's due to his blindness.Has an iPod on a chest pocket on his t-shirt so he can listen to music.
    Personality: Changable depending on what he's on his mind or what music he listens to on his iPod.
    Powers: Has control over lightning and his senses are peaked along with his physical strength agility and flexability.
    Explanation: Pre-World War II...He was walking around New York city and he entered a Government because he wanted shelter from the the rain,wind and lightning.It was heavily raining,windy and lightning was thundering.He went into it and the receptionist was there and she went away and he saw that the place had a basement even though buildings like this weren't meant to have basements.He went down to see people in controlled envirnoments.They weere creating the perfect soldiers but this was off the books, not government funded.He had heard about the government speaking about this stuff but they weren't going through with it at the time.He walked along until he reached the center of the place and suddenly a bolt of lightning slashed straight through the building and hit him straight down and there was a giant explosion and the whole place blown into oblivion.He woke up to hear voices all around him saying stuff like "Epcelion has escaped" and "Omega has ripped through the walls and has left a giant scorch trail along the city".He opened his eye's to find that he was blind but for some reason he was...different.He felt lightning pulsate through his body.He surpressed it when he heard someone come for him and bring him to the main office.The paid him nicely to keep quiet.He was more leaving that building than they and he knew...Instead of being just blind he controlled lightning along with peaked senses along with peaked physical abilities.He used the money he got from this organisation to buy an his sword named "Rain of Darkness" and got it restored slowly along with two P90's.
    History: During world war III...Jack had learned to use his newly found abilities to there full potential.He was able to send a pulse of lightning around him into the air particals to give him to give him a kind of radar which was suprior to sight.He trauned and developed a form of fighting style.A very unique fighting style.He kept his sword which was the same size of him on his back in a holster and his P90's were holstered facing away from himself.He would twirl back hard enough to send the Sword spinning out of it's holster and he would grab the sword by the hilt in his mouth and he grabbed the P90 in his right holster with his left hand and vica versa.He pointed his P90's across eachother to cover both sides which is the reason why the P90's are pointed outwards and he is able to do amazing acrobatics with it along with devasting attack combos and amazing defense techniques.
    He now roams the battlefield of old New york fighting...

    Is it OK that if i'm in, can i have a recap on the events so far?
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: lol. looks like I've got someone higher up on my side, cuz everything lately seems to be going perfect for me on this. I'll have to pm you then later, since you probably have given me the perfect insperation for something. You are in, but I'll add u to the front page later (that goes for everyone else who I havn't added also). but I'm a bit busy at the moment, so gimme a moment

    and dont worry. I might not be the most detailed person, but, I feel that the more detailed a bio is, the more I can think that someone is an experienced rper. lol. its probably only becuz of ur bio that I'd let you have a charecter like this to, so really, dont apologize, lol
  4. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: srry about delay...I was listening to music while I took a nap...Where's everybody?!! *confused(
  5. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    ooc: store still, what song?
  6. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC:A lot of songs by diff bands -> Nickelback, Avenged Sevenfold, Sum41, Simple plan, and other songs....
  7. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    ooc: i like nb
  8. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: nickleback rulez...I'm trying to memorize a song and learn it on the piano..just in time for christmas...I'll never finish...It's tooooo hard...T.T
  9. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    at least you can read sheet music. i can't
  10. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    OOC: Thanks for letting me in Deathsight.
    I use music in certain scenes of my character and i'm the only one who does it just so you guys know.

    Jack jumped through the ruined buildings of old New York.He was thinking of how this place got to this extent.He remembered back to his rebirth after escaping the elements.It was funny to him because walking in rain was very relaxing to him now.Just as he thought this the clouds grew dark and it began to rain.He stopped using his lightning to see and just used his senses and jumped from building to building not knowing what was there and he could only define what was there by his other senses suddenly after he hit the ruins of a skyscraper he jumped straight down the building head first.He moved with the rain.he felt like he was away from everything.Suddenly 1/4 way down the building he twirled around to allow his sword out,he grabbed it in his mouth and drove the blade into the side of the building and it shredded the building and he came to a halt as the building had a giant gash down the side.He then took the blade out and ran down the rest of the building and ran through the city ruins of old new york like the lightning he was.He was running towards a giant fortress and creatures were flying around the perimeter of it.He guessed they were hybrids.He threw up his blade and it spun in front of him until he forward flipped to put it on his back.He drew his P90'S and he suddenly was flashing in and out existance, with lightning flashing around his body until he jumped and he had dissappeared onto the tip of tower on the other side of the fortress just out of the range of the hybrids...He stood there like the mighty gargoyle to protect the world from the dakrness of destruction...
  11. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: thats perfect. I used to do that on other sites, but I kinda stopped. Good to know I wasnt the only one who used it though. Recap will be sent by pm.
  12. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    ooc: hybrids can fly?
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: the beserk ones, ya. should've explained a bit more, but the ones like Eric and Cannon cant. I'll send pms to both of ya explaining the hybrids themselves
  14. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    ooc: im cool with that.
  15. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    With a flash of lightning he dissappeared off the peak of the tower, rain poured over his face and he was falling out of the sky down the middle of the fortress and he teleports again as he sees that he was almost seen by the flying perimeter Hybrids.He lands in the center of the fortress and he walks the halls of those who have been mutilated...
  16. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    OOC: k then I guess I'll just pick up where u guys left off

    BIC: Jessie looked from Cannon to Eric then looked at Saki. " So Saki what are you doing here?"
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Eric let out a sigh, as he used his arm to pick up his fake right arm and place it into the pocket centered on bottem area of his hoody. He felt a bit tired at the moment, but shook out of it, knowing that he didn't want anyone to notice, though generating the fake arm without completely turning into the person itself for such a long period of time would definatly tire him out in his current state
  18. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    cannon: you'll be fine eric
  19. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Jack walked the halls but still was flashing in and out of existance and the ligths were going out around him.He finally came to a door that was guarded by two hybrids.The Hybrids were filling up half the space each.They were the same kind of Hybrid.Both had long spiked arms with a distorted face and there bodies were very flexible.Jacks guess was that these hybrids were meant to for the outside not inside.Jacks eye's were hidden from them and all except the two light beside the hybrids were still lit which meant that Jack was hardly visible behind his hair.The hybrids seemed resigned to laugh "Why have you come here oracle.We eat oracles you know" they said as there spiked hands spun around in there sockets.Jack merely smiled and made a smile bearly audable laugh "well i am blind so they i should be easier to take down now shouldn't i but..." and lightning was gathering around his body "unlike most of the others you've encountereed i'm not an oracle but a person transformed by lightning itself and if you care to attack me i would like to show you.." and as he said this they said with mirthless laughter "Cocky Oracle aren't you.I have to admit that getting in here and even navigating through Old New York is quiet a feet that hasn't been done before but at the same time you are an oracle like any other so...be cast into oblivion!!" and their arms stretched out to crush him but at this the lightning around him flared up and he spun back and his blade flew into his mouth and he spun it clockwise over his head to deflect a pair of arms either side of him and then he drew both of his P90's and shot across each toher and shot off the arms of the hybrids.They moaned in agony and jack spun his P90's into there holsters and threw his blade right through the door to leave the half the sword showing, almost hitting both hybrid in the face.Jakc then said "It takes 30 minutes to regenerate new arms and i could do alot of damage in that time if i'm not allowed through those doors" he said and they replied "OK...Just because we're beasts on the outside doesn't mean we're beasts on the inside" and his blade teleported back onto his back and as jack passed through the doors he said to them "I know...".
  20. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Saki grined up at Jessie. "I was just looking for something to buy...but the clothes that I like are dissappearing..." she added glumly.

    OOC: I can't read sheet music...it's too hard...I memorize the keys..xD It makes it easier for me..
    CURSE YOU, VILLAIN!!!! t(-_-t) xD
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