Texas -where I live- was hit pretty hard by Hurricane Ike. my fence was blown over and totaled, was any1 else here stuck in it?
Oh god I hope everything is okay with you O.o I think Ike is an awesome name for a hurricane though xD
It moved up here to Ohio and knocked out power all around. That hurricane was ridiculous. Though the people down in Texas and south got hit must harder. Hope everything goes okay.
From hearing about the hurricane on the news, it sounds pretty bad. Hopefully people were okay and everything will turn out to be okay.
Yeah. I feel bad for those who lost their homes. I saw a woman digging through the mud in hopes that she would find her pictures she left behind. It was very sad to find out that she was unsuccessful in her endeavor.
I know. My aunt said they had to place sandbags around the doorway and they had to board up their windows.
Yea, I was out of power for 5 days, and the only reason I survived the torture was that the hurricane brought a cool front with it, so it was kinda fun, but everything in our fridge spoiled, and we couldn't find ice anywhere cuz all the stores were closed down, but we made sure to stock up on plenty of food :] We went driving around after the hurrican was over and the destruction we saw was overwhelming, there was so much gone, but we were okay : D Our whole neighborhood was like a bubble, every1 was only like, stripped of their shingles, and fences were a little destroyed, but otherwise everything with me was okay :]
The hurricane didn't affect me too much. It just gave us a ton of rain and stuff. It flooded our basement, but that's all.