I believe hunting and forest fires should stop and resort as being called "Illegal", and "High Offence". I do not have animal obsessions, but I want animals habitats to stop being destroyed. And animals being killed is off limits. What did animals ever do to hunters? I can see if the hunter was actually poor and trying to get food, but killing animals is still off limits. Animals must remain in peace, within their own habitats. People should not be destroying their habitats just to get pure fun out of it. What do you think?
Well the majority of forest fires are still naturally occuring. Most manmade ones are used to clear jungle and wooded areas for grazing land for cattle. Other than that they tend to be small intentional fires that get out of control. I agree that they should be stopped and as far as I know the practice of clearing trees with fire is illegal. But as with most laws it is hard to enforce. As for hunting, people need food. In developing countries people need to have meat in their diet and they don't have the luxary of herds of domesticated animals. They need to hunt and kill animals. I personally think that hunting animals should only be allowed as a necessary activity (i.e. for survival purposes). Hunting for sport or when the product from the animal is not necessary *coughjapanandwhalescough* >_> In the UK fox hunting was recently made illegal (with varying degrees of success) and the global community is finally cracking down on Japanese whale hunting (which I see as a disgusting act of barbarity and depravity >_>).
Hunters in many cases are either bored people with too much time and firepower on their hands or poachers. Both reasons are stupid and hopelessly obsolete. Hunting in a developed country will only lead to you shooting a human you thought was an animal. There is no place for such things in modern society and though I don't really object to it very strongly, it's just a waste of time and effort and the cost of several human lives a year. On the other side of the spectrum you've got people hunting animals that are protected for money and that's illegal if I'm not incorrect, so it's an utterly pointless endeavor from start to finish. Honestly, I dislike the idea of hunting carrying on further into the future, it's really brutish and simple minded. Not to mention the fact that development controls population well enough by itself.
Many forest fires start because of the natural course of things. That is the way it has always been. Humans have contributed with accidents but not so much as people like to say. Most people who make campfires are actually pretty responsible and I don't see anything wrong with doing that as long as someone does the right thing and waters the fire down and then buries the spot in dirt to suffocate the flames. Most campers are well accustomed to the practice. The forest fires we often hear about are not usually started by anything that has to do with man. Of course, the ones that are could genuinely be avoided by commonsense. However, making it illegal to go out and have a campfire is stupid. Certainly not enough accidents have happened to merit that and even children in school are taught how to deal with forest campfires by Smokey. As for hunting, I am not against it. I am against poaching, pointless killing of animals and trophy hunters. Trophy hunting animals that will not be eaten is wrong to me as there's no other purpose than to stuff the animal. Big game hunting for animals like bear, tigers etc that no one would even eat seems really stupid to me and it has dwindled populations of animals that are not even for consumption at all. Fox hunting is one thing I am glad to see go because the animals have been considered pests and vermin but otherwise they are simply harmless and no one uses them for anything other than sport for the wealthy mostly. However, there is another type of hunter that people pass over all the time and judge harshly. I am half Native American and I learned to hunt and I am glad I did. Going out with my grandfather to hunt, fish and learn survival of the woods and desert was a big thing to me. I had learned a lot of respect for nature and many hunters do, despite what some city/suburbia people think. Many hunters spend a lot of money to buy their own land and keep it wooded which prevents commercial buy outs and trees etc to be cut down. Many hunters also use preserves and help fund state parks to keep nature about. Also, hunters are MUCH more humane than corporations and farms that give us our beef and chicken; I can assure you. Hunting helps control wild life overpopulation and not everyone wants to eat chicken and beef and fish all the time. Venison, turtle, frog, fish, snake, rabbit and some other animals have been hunted for years and people -like- to eat them. We may not -have- to but who is anyone to say that someone else cannot? Also, in other countries people must hunt. So in the end, I think both your statements need some evaluation and consideration because they are only disclosing a limited point of view. People live their own lives how they will and there is a difference between hunting and animal cruelty. Just because stores give out what they will doesn't mean they didn't also have someone killing animals for it. And a good hunter, which many are, will be more a part of nature than many animal lovers that slam them constantly. Some types of hunting need stopped but definitely I am against the banning of all hunting. Also, if I want to go camping and have a campfire, that is not a privilege I'm so willing to give up either.
Wow, that was a long orgasm...it had great meaning, but it was long. O_O. No offense. Overpopulation?
Hunting is how you make it. When you hunt an animal, it should not be for the thrill of it or because you have nothing better to do, itshould only be done for food and maybe trading but that's a tough subject. Anyway, you can'tsay hunting is bad, many 'deprived' countries only get through days by hunting local wildlife, it's what they live on and only really survive thanks to this. Hunting to kill on mass is completly evil for lack of a better word, it hows people to be greedy and trying to flaunt their power, much like the people from developed countries you described, they don't need to hunt for food they do it for the fun of it, and poachers are ignorant too, hunting for animal skins to keep warm is no problem in my book, but hunting them for decorations is dishonourable to the animal, no one or thing should be kiled for fashion. While on the forest fire side, it's hard to say. Forest fire's have been going for eons, for many different reasons, such as population control, destroying diseases, while others are to destroy some plant life so others may grow. Fire is able to 'purify' things in a way, it can be for destruction or creation depending who or what is compitent enough to knowow to use it.
Hunting is bad in pretty much every way, but some people have a really good reason why they do it, like as you said for food. Hunting should still be considered illegal in some areas, because of how many people do it.
I think hunting generally should be a food-only purpose. I see way too many people just hunting for kicks. But that's just me. Otherwise, it doesn't matter. Species die and new ones are born, might as well just let it be.
I still don't think hunting is bad from one perspective if someone is actually a real hunter and not some poacher or trophy hunter. I know quite a few people that go hunting now and then and they treat nature better than many others who talk about nature do. I would love though to see pointless slaughter of animals stop which poaching is illegal in most places. Just people have to report them more often. I reported a guy who used to walk around in one place I lived at because he'd go shooting squirrels with a bb gun. That kind of stuff is lame as the squirrels weren't doing anything to him. However, just because some people live in the cities or suburbs, not everyone does. The life style of someone out in the country on wooded land works differently and the person hunting is actually immersing themselves in the life and I still feel people are being too judgmental on what they do. They often eat berries and other foods from nature too, so why shouldn't they be able to hunt a deer? I'm not seeing why they should have to be forced to go by meat that everyone else wants. Besides, venison is good. Also, some people require hunting as a means of life. There are areas that take this stuff too far and people that are dimwits. China goes out of its way to get exotic animals to eat all the time which is part of the reason for the spread of SARS. Japan whale hunts even though the numbers of those whales decrease and so I'd consider those who participate are more in it for the thrill than for the actual living of the life and closeness to nature. The fox hunting in the UK and also the whale hunts though have received a lot of scrutiny and are dropping in frequency. However, I just think it should be thought out more and investigated before people just simply write off hunting altogether because hunters aren't all bad people despite some idiots that get brought up all the time. We are still a part of nature and in some areas, even in European and American countries, there is still a lot of wilderness and people live the life of that. Some don't want to have to be dependent on every modern day convenience and some don't even like to use vehicles to have to go out to stores all the time. It's their way of life.
I agree Repliku. Nothing is wrong with hunting, but over-hunting is the problem. Like the saying goes 'Use but don't use up' if we kill all animals then what? We pretty much die on mass, thanks to the limited amount foodand other resources we have, that can't feed millionsof people, again and again. I guess that is true, I can't deny alot of places should be restricted from hunting many species, but still, it won't stop the majority of hunters or poachers from killing them senseless.
Food Purposes are more understandable reasons instead of winning trophies. Yes, I agree that it won't stop the majority of hunters but it should still be considered illegal. Killing animals and destroying their habitats is wrong either way.
Most hunters I know would never go after something that is considered endangered. Poachers and trophy hunters do that. Hunters as a standard are going out and hunting for the training, skills and to live as part of nature. I'm seeing most of the complaints here are driven at the kind of hunters that many hunters themselves declare they hate and wouldn't mind shooting if they ever caught them on their lands. I have seen on some camping trips I've done on lands that people have shot deer or other animals and left them behind. These incidents get reported when they happen. A majority of hunters are actually not trophy hunters is the point I'm trying to make. Those that are, I really don't have much respect for either. There are numerous laws though and those that care, including hunters that hunt for food and own their own lands strictly are against that behavior. I do think trophy hunting and 'Big Game' hunting ought to be more monitored but a lot of the Big Game hunting is already illegal and the laws pertaining to taxidermy etc are also made and activities there are checked out too. In the U.S. any way. The problems more happen in areas like Africa where elephants get hunted simply for ivory or moon bears in China are collected for bear bile etc. We can make these things illegal all we want but there is almost an 'honor system' as far as some things go because the wealthy will go out of their way at times using the black market even to get things others don't have. These people are generally not hunters themselves. So there to me lies part of the problem. There are animals such as duck, deer, rabbit etc that many hunters kill and seriously, they are hardly going on the endangered list because they reproduce so quickly. Since people in the U.S. at any rate killed off many of the predators in the past, hunting is somewhat a boon to allowing the animals to not grow over populated and starve to death. Most hunters again love nature and would have their own morals about shooting some endangered creature. There are actually ways to get lists of those and many endangered animals were more troubled in the first place by relocation, pesticides and other such things. I'm not going to say some were not affected by hunters, but there are other things to attack here when it comes to animals like the Bald Eagle, a lot of birds on the list etc. In the end, I suppose the only legitimate reason to 'hunt' should be that what you kill you eat or sell the meat. Otherwise, I'm also not seeing a reason to be out there killing animals. If people make trophies then with antlers and such, I don't see anything wrong with that but yes, taxidermy in the past was over the top. Things have toned down in the U.S. but yes, it still needs work and part of that is dealing with wealthy people that go and seek out the things that others can go get them. The problems to me though seem more to be outside of this country. I'm not sure how other countries deal with hunting but other than stupid idiots going out with BB guns or rifles shooting animals for sport and not using what they kill, we really aren't so bad. What these people are doing is illegal and the best thing to do is report them.
Where i live (Malaysia) there is a very corrupt government. This leads to wanting more money by building more high rise buildings (like apartments) and therefore leads to deforestation. That then leads towards animal's habitats being destroyed and more forest fires happening :(
The reason forest wildlife hunting exists, and should continue to exist, is because (unfortunately) Humans have pretty much destroyed most wildlife ecosystems, to the point where through urbanization and expansion we have wiped out the predator population for our own safety, destroying the food chain. This means that the prey population has little to no predator population in place to keep their numbers in check, and therefore they have nothing keeping them from multiplying beyond the capacity of the environment to sustain their young. Since no predators are killing the prey animals, the prey population still has the desire to procreate, and with nothing actually killing the adult and young population via the food chain, their numbers grow exponentially with nothing actually killing them. This leads to mass starvation of the population, over-grazing of farm and forest land, mass disease and illness among the herds, and it causes the animals to wander into cities and human populated areas where they can be hit by cars, assaulted or mistreated by the general population, poisoned from eating our garbage, and other such means of causing harm to themselves. Humans over time have destroyed the natural relation between predator and prey, we're the reason why the predator population is near non-existent, so the reason Hunting exists is because we now have the responsibility of being the predators. This is why there are "Deer seasons" and "Duck seasons" for Hunting, because hunting is permitted in times where the prey population is procreating and we have to act as a predatory force to prevent overpopulation.