EDIT: The codes might take a while to get to your email because the site is struggling to bring keycodes to all these customers which doesn't surprise me I got it when the bundle within the first hour of it so for me it was instant but for most it might take a couple of minutes. RE EDIT: It's fixed now Hey guys I came across this site called Humble Bundle you get really good deals on games and all the profit goes to charity (0% of the profit goes to the devs or publishers) I myself bought the bundle pack and now I'm gonna spend the next few days downloading all of these xD (Currently Origin will not accept keycodes due to the servers being overwhelmed with the amount of keycodes that are being inputed. Currently they are bundling (Requires Origin and Steam): Dead Space (On origin and Steam) Burnout Paradise (on origin and steam) Crysis 2 Maximum Edition (On origin and steam) Mirrors Edge (On origin and steam) Dead Space 3 (Origin only) Medal of Honor (On origin and steam) Battlefield 3 (Origin only) Sims 3 + Starter Pack (Origin Only) This whole bundle is $4.67 total (thats the minimum but it is increasing slowly) but the cool thing about this is you can choose the amount you want to pay. Link: https://www.humblebundle.com/
The minimum requirement for 90% of those games is $1.01 You only have to pay more than the average if you want Battlefield 3 and Sims 3 too (I forgot to mention that no matter what you pay you get the Battlefield soundtrack and Sims 3 soundtrack)
I have an origin key for Dead Space One (I used Dead Space 3) since I used the Steam key because I think origin is crap. If you want it you can have it.