Humans are the most dangerous animals in the world....

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Amethyst Grave, Oct 13, 2007.

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  1. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    humans are definately one of the most savage animals alive. VERY dangerous. we have superior powers over all, and we use it too much and too exclusively. humans refuse to see the harm they cause by over-using this power (im not talking abt global warming here or extinction). its just sad... we humans have powers over all, so we use it mostly to show it off by doing crazy and radical things w/o a 2nd though. humans have the power to take lives... and so they do... either the so called laws forbid that or not. there's no controlling them! not even this.. god can do that.
  2. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Kind of ironic that it might be considered 'stupid' or 'dumb', but a lot of what you said happens because of the complexity of the human mind. Because we can be incredibly perceptive about the things around us, our thoughts can sometimes lead us to do ridiculous things. We might sometimes be incredibly misled by our own thoughts, and thus do 'stupid' things like you say, but that's simply the irony of it; sometimes we're just too smart for our own good.

    And that's what makes us dangerous, not necessarily stupid.
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Well, its actually a proven fact. Humans have
    1. Heightened the Earths average temperature
    2. Made important species extinct
    3. Destroyed Forests
    4. Make a big deal over death by another animal(seriously, other animals move on)
    5. Are too full of Pride that shouldn't be their think its okay to hunt for fun
    6. Don't respect others(hunting for fun, fishing, beating, ect;.....)
    7. Make trophies of dead creatures
    8. Can't go without war as it seems now and days
    9. And think the world evolves around them "A god came and created us as his most important"
      Those are honestly the ones I can name without thinking.
  4. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    These are not facts.

    1) There's evidence that we're effecting the climate. As to what degree we are not sure. Our planet has gone through natural climate shifts in the past. chances are it's going through one right now, and the only issue is that we're giving it steam.

    2) This was not intentional and only resulted from a lack of foresight.

    3)We've done a lot of logging, but clear cutting is almost obsolete now and seedlings are planted in place after most logging operations.

    4) We're an emotional, social, and interactive species. We develop attachment as a result complex emotions that have proven to be crucial to survival.

    5) A subjective opinion and false generalization. What about the countless indigenous tribes that hunt as a way of life?

    6) Again, another false generalization from evidence of a a small group of people.

    7) Another false generalization. We'd all like things to be sunshine and rainbows, but it's impossible to think that everyone will agree on everything.

    8) Another false assumption. We're not all arrogant. if we were we wouldn't be having this debate because there would be no concern for the world around us.
  5. Repliku Chaser

    1. Heightened the world's temperature. - Yes, to a degree we have assisted it. However, we are in an interglacial period and the world is going to continue heating up whether or not humans are here. It is partially a normal process though carbon dioxide does increase the temperature a bit more. There is nothing scientifically that shows we are not in an interglacial period and the world would not warm up on its own. We do aid in it warming faster. We are not the total cause.

    2. Made important species instinct - To some degree yes. However, many species have gone extinct naturally or by even animals eating the species to extinction, or by natural selection and environments that creatures suddenly were not able to adapt to and changed. This happens all the time and humans are part of the world as are any other creatures etc. We again are not the only thing destroying life and by statistics, a small part. Also, what about human efforts to help dying species? We've had successes with such efforts but no one wants to give credit. Look at the positives too.

    3. Destroyed forests - Yes there are people that have destroyed forests and it sucks. There are also people who spend a lot of money to buy forested land to prevent it from being used for logging and deforestation. There are also countless people who plant trees when they can and help out preserves.

    4. Make a big deal if animals hunt humans etc - Not all humans do this. However, there is some proof when certain animals eat say babies or smaller humans, that they will hunt them in the future because it is available and easier than stalking some other prey. We don't really have to deal with this so much in the U.S. but in places where there are tigers or crocodiles and some other types of creatures like this, it can be a problem. I do not agree with the way the 12 year old kid was eaten by an alligator and they went and slew all these alligators and still never found the remains of the kid, (who was told to get the hell out of the water and ignored), but that's not how all people feel. It's a select group who did this and many people complained about it.

    4. Too full of pride and hunt for fun - Some people hunt for food and such and there are tribal communities that exist in the world. Also, others who hunt for fun, most use the animal meat and such and are living as others before them had. The only ones that are doing something wrong are poachers. Hunters very much frown at poaching too as it ruins good game and also kills without using the body of the animal etc. No one likes poachers. Hunters aren't doing anything wrong. In fact, they are actually working for their food.

    5. Don't respect others. (hunting, fishing, beating etc) ..what does this mean? People aren't allowed to hunt or fish? We eat fish and meat. Why can't someone hunt for it? What exactly is your problem with that? And what does 'beating' have to do with hunting and fishing? Are you referring to beating animals? If so, that is really in the minority of human activities and most of the time is the sign of a psychopath or mentally unstable person.

    6. Make trophies of dead animals - Ok, I find this kind of a bit eh myself but I don't see the harm in it really. If the animal is dead, it's dead. It doesn't care what you do with the remains. The only time I have a problem with it is say someone slew a tiger or bear etc for the trophy and well, who's eating tigers or bears or some big deadly predator? We don't eat the predators. We eat the herd animals. My grandpa kept the racks of some deer and I never saw anything bad about it considering he also ate the deer. Big whoop.

    7. Can't go without war it seems - Many people do not want war. You are lumping people all together and it's not that simple. We are actually in some ways more peaceful than we've been in the past. Just now we have bigger weapons.

    8. And think the world evolves around them "A god came and created us as his most important" - Again, a limited scope of people feel this way. God excuses are starting to run thin. There are many people who love the earth and nature and know they are part of it, not above it.

    In the end, some people are going to make generalizations about humanity as a whole and it just is not right. You can lump us all together and say comments like this and expect them to be valid but you are speaking in terms of a hater that has nothing to back the statements that -all- people feel this way. They are no more valid than saying a black man is a rapist, or a white man is a snobby wealthy fool, or a woman wearing a halter top is a whore. It comes down to simply being prejudiced and having misinformed judgments pertaining to a whole group and this bias does no one any good. There -are- good people out there that care for nature, the world etc. Complaining about how bad all humans are while typing on a computer and not living somewhere in a mud hole is kind of hypocritical.

    While I believe we are indeed the most -dangerous- animal there is on the planet, I do also see we are the greatest achievers of change on the planet. We can fix or destroy areas easily enough. We have made great achievements but these are always watered down somehow. I don't like what we've done in some regards but in others I can see real efforts being made. There will always be some idiots out there that are all about selfishness, greed and such but there are others that will stand against them, and others that merely try to survive and make their paychecks and do what they can. Hating is also destructive, whether because of a justified reason or not. Instead, doing something positive about it works better. Go plant some trees, grow some plants to reduce carbon dioxide, take care of your pets, adopt a pet from the shelter, turn off your lights when not in use, recycle, etc. Do your part. People need to gripe less and do more.
  6. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Indisputably, yes. We've done more damage to this planet in 300 years than every other organism has done in 4 Billion.
  7. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    O_o well said... <_<
  8. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    humans are indeed the most dangerous race on the earth, we kill for fun, while other animals kill to live. but then again its us that are keeping things balanced aren't we... if it asn't probably more species would be extinct thanks to the food chain if you think about it
  9. khsuperfan Banned

    Oct 22, 2007
    Don't...don't look behind u...

    man is the most dangerous animal (not in an evolutionist way!).
    P.S.- Repliku types a lot! ^__^
  10. thedancingprat Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 7, 2008
    England-Cornwall :)
    I completely agree, we are aanimals that class ourselves as non-animals which causes problems, we have changed the way nature intended for us and are therefore bringing down our own world with the unbalancing of the equilibriem.
  11. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle &lt;3
    Humans are more intelligent than any other animal which probably makes us more advances, not dangerous.
  12. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    I have to agree with you RR13. Reason? We've been hurting many animals here, we've been poisioning teh Earth, we've killed and murdered, and made diseases untreatable.
  13. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    we are the most savage and most superior animals in this world.... we kill for pleasure... that is only something a real savage would do so yes... we ARE the most dangerous.

    also if you look at something like how we poach nearly extinct animals... that just makes evil basicaly... killing a whole freaking species just for money... we are greedy... because we are greedy that means we are savage and being savage is dangerous...

    okayim done repeating myslef a ffew thousand time sXD
  14. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    To those who say we are more superior: I don't believe that. At all. We as organisms are in no way superior to any other organism. Not even a virus. I agree that we are dangerous and the most sophisticated, but we are not superior. We just happen to have conscious thinking ability.

    And I honestly don't find ourselves that dangerous (apart from our war and separation of people). Because we are organisms of nature, I think that everything we do is a product of our and other animals' nature. We release tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, but that is only because we need it to live; for factories to package food; to generate heat and electricity; and other things. Therefore, I don't think it's dangerous. Maybe to other animals, but on a large scale animals constantly kill each other. We kill members of our own species too, and of course, probably the only species that DOES kill its own because of conflict. And that is the only aspect I find dangerous: our own personal separation and/or division and contempt for one-another.

    On a lighter picture, we have made many incredible advancements via technology, adaptation, creativity, etc. Though I only say that from our own personal standpoint, since of course I don't know what other life could be out in our universe. <:3
  15. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008

    we are supeior. People who believe in Evolution think that because we act kinda like animals that we are an animal, lowering our superiority to make themselves feel smarter, but truly it is the animals that are acting more like us, due to our influence upon everything. Not to say they are on par with us at all, i'm just saying it could make sense if you reverse the wording.
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