How was Earth created?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Roxas is Hot, Feb 9, 2007.

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  1. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    My bad, man. I've been having a boring day, and it makes me irritable. But, seriously, if you claim something in a debate, it is best to provide evidence for said claim.
  2. ...::/final_falling\::... King's Apprentice

    Oct 26, 2006
    somewhere where theres blood dripping.
    God made it.period.:P athiests,u can hate me if u want,but i belive there is a god
  3. Marluxia52091 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 25, 2007
    Michigan, U.S.A.

    ha you took the same thing i did "Hate me if you want" i just found that kinda funny. and jesus, all you people getting offended. like "oh i hate him cause he's athiest!" or "oh he doesnt believe in the big bang!". god if someone doesnt agree with you then odds are that they arent going to change. so listen to what they say, roll your eyes, and go on with your day.
  4. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    The reason people don't appreciate the Christian Creationism Theory is because it is no provable, guys. There is no scientific experiment to run to make that theory plausible, thus we can't make it a possibility in the realm of logic. However, it is a belief and is a theory because it is widely believed.

    To be honest, there's only two other real ways the earth could have been formed; Extraterrestrial population, or life from non-existant things. To be honest, life from non-existing things is quite far-fetched. Though it's very provable. An experiment was once ran by scientists that showed 20 different Amino acids being pulterguisted in a bullet at the speed of an asteroid. To their success, those Amino acids formed protein chains--the building blocks of life. Clearly showing that life could have started in numerous ways in such a scenario. Once this happened, bacteria could form and DNA could be produced--and from that organelles. From there, we could have cyanobacteria and those are life, right there--producing oxygen for our O-Zone and amphibians.

    Also, extraterrestrial population is very possible as well. If a meteor containing bacteria were to crash here at the early stages of earth we could have easily started from that. And just because it's cold in space doesn't mean bacteria could not have been able to survive--it would have been more like chriogenic(sp?) freezing, actually. Then being able to survive on Earth at one point at it's extremely, EXTREMELY harsh conditions. Which is where Natural Selection can take off.
  5. BlueNeon Moogle Assistant

    Apr 11, 2007
    I'm a believer in the clock theory. Um, I don't really remember the name, but it basically says that God created the world (to me, this just means the universe), and then let things run their course. I think that if there is some higher power out there, then he/she/it wouldn't care about our everyday lives or even huge events. Blah, now I'm just talking religion, sorry. ^_^"

    But I guess that I believe that the Big Bang created the universe, but God was responsible behind the Big Bang... if that even makes sense...
  6. xekushi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 27, 2007
    some place else
    ok hows thing,
    IF god created the world in seven days, tell me this. WHO created god???
    IF there was a big bang then. WHAT blew up to make life?
  7. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    The only reason we want to know the answers to those questions is simple reassurance. In all truth, I doubt we're meant to -know- how it all began, but to -believe- how it all began. Even if you believe in the Big Bang theory.
  8. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Earth exists because God willed it so. It was His Will that the Universe, and all things in it, exist. It is also His Will that we exist.
    There's my two cents. :D

    xekushi, God always existed, even before the Universe. He is eternal, and the reason I believe this is because I have faith, and that is something that cannot be broken. Science is a lie; there is only His Will.
  9. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    If he created the world, he had a want/need. Wants/Needs imply that something is imperfect. Meaning that at one time, God didn't have something. Meaning that he was not perfect.

    "Science is a lie." Oh yes! Galileo was a heretic! Go Intelligent Falling! Sorry, but, the phrase "Science is a lie" is pure stupidity.

    Science is based on pure logic. Logic is universal, therefore, INFALLIBLE. Not saying that science knows everything, it's just that it doesn't know everything YET.

    EDIT: I ask you all something: If God is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, so-on, why did he NOT stop Eve from being tempted? He KNEW that things would go wrong; he's supposedely all-knowing. He could've stopped her; he's supposudely all-powerfull. He could've stopped INFINITE pain and suffering; he's supposedely all-loving. Why didn't he?

    DISCLAIMER: I apologize if someone is offended. it is not my intention to start a flame-war. I'm just here to debate. Don't like your beliefs being refuted and doubted? Don't post here.
  10. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    It bothers me to say "God made it, end of story" because then there's such a gap of leniency that you could spend your entire life pondering that very statement. For example: What if God did make the earth and the universe and enverything we know to be in it, except that he did it 5 minutes ago and made everything as it is now? The Big Bang in itself seems probable, and really cool if you ask me. I do tend to learn towards it because it is the best possible explanation that we as contingent beings have. If a powerful being did construct the universe and everything we know to be in it then I believe he used every fiber of his being to construct it; a first and final act. It would explain every other lack of action on its part aside from being the archetect of the universe.
  11. rikurep Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 21, 2007
    Aurora, CO

    besides, all scientific methods contradict themselves

    big bang and matter explosion goes against the rule of conservation of matter(can't be made or desroyed)
  12. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Like what? Like I said, science, like math, is based on logic. Meaning that, if done right, it is UNIVERSAL. Tell me one instance where 2+2=5.

    It is quite possible that back then the laws of physics were distorted, so it might not have been true then. Yet, I somewhat agree. I believe in one the multiverse theories. There are an infinite number of universes, each one with their own big bang and physics. Each one contracts after a few trillion years, making the big crunch, then another big bang.

    Hw MATTER became existant, I don't know. There are two possibilities. #1: Some supernatural force created the first big bangs. However, even if one proves this one, it is IMPOSSIBLE to prove that it's the Christian/Muslim/Jewish/whatever God. #2: Quantum fluctuations. Not so sure 'bout this'n.

    DISCLAIMER: I apologize if someone is offended. it is not my intention to start a flame-war. I'm just here to debate. Don't like your beliefs being refuted and doubted? Don't post here.


    The Agnostic Entity, Mirai-sama
  13. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    I didnt read other responses because Im about to go out, so Ill say
    Ill be back to read this thread laters-
  14. AkuseruVIII Banned

    Apr 4, 2007
    Where do YOU live huh? Huh? HUH?
    No one KNOWS I mean you nerds can say what ever and you zealots can say whatever it makes no difference things are a way and that's how they are no use quibbling over how it got to said state.
    No offense intended I just had to say it. Sorry.
  15. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    The particles that are said to have compacted and shot off to the reaches of what is know as the universe during the Big Bang are matter though, energy was also present. The theory doesn't say that there was no single form of matter or or nothing at all present at the beginning of the universe. It does claim that whatever matter and energy existed prior to the event was responsible.
  16. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    1) He grew tired of endless nothingness and wanted to make something out of it. Duh.
    2) He didn't stop Eve because when He saw what she was doing, He wanted to test us, to see who was worthy, now that we were imperfect.
  17. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Would god have not already known this would happen? If he chooses our paths for us, then wouldn't he have realized Eve would do this? We are imperefect but it seems to me like he would have either set up the entire thing on purpose or he's not as all knowing and all seeing as people believe, or better yet, it never happened.
  18. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Being bored means that something is not perfect. Therefore, God cannot become bored or have a a want or he will become imperfect.

    Wait a minute! God is OMNIscient (can see everything, past, present, future, no restrictions), OMNIpotent (can do anything, no restrictions), AND OMNIbenevolent (would not let ANYONE be harmed, no restrictions)! Therefore, he KNEW (and by "KNEW", I mean he COULD NOT be wrong) that Eve would be tempted by the serpant. He COULD have stopped her (he's omnipotent) and stopped the pain, suffering and death of every living human being (he's omnibenevolent).

    Sorry for all the CAPS.

    EDIT: Gosh darn it! Cin beat me to it!
  19. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    Well, now we're getting in different religious beliefs. The one you're talking about is pre-destination, one that I personally have no faith in.

    Yes, god can see our futures, but that doesn't mean we each have one future. I believe there is many, many roads each person can take and God can see every one of them, but because he gave us free will he cannot know which one we will take. This doesn't make him imperfect(then again, the definition of perfect is not universal and changes from person to person, plus it's also a term used by man to help try and understand the power of God), it simply means he does not wish to interfere in the lives of humans, or at least do so as little as possible. Now, God doesn't have any obligation to end all suffering in the world. He left our lives to ourselves so that we could find peace and kindness within ourselves, he, I imagine, doesn't want to get in the way of our inner battles for peace. As such, he lets us live our lives, good or bad. He is loving, and that is why he allows us to suffer. Without suffering, how would we know joy? All we would have is joy, and it would be a very boring existance if all we had was joy 100% of the time. God realised humans require struggles in order to entertain ourselves, in order to have a purpose in life. Also, the struggles are tests, for when we die and are ready to be judged and prove ourselves worthy of paradise.

    I hold my faith in this believe; God is all-powerful and we are not, therefore we cannot begin to comprehend his power or his intentions. God is not human, therefore we do not understand him.

    Keep in mind, please, these are my beliefs. I'm not saying I can prove any of this or that I can talk to God. ;P Just sayin what I feel to be true.

    I just realised I'm going way off topic here. -ahems- Sorry about that...

    I personally believe that God created the Earth, or at least, God created the system for creating the Earth. Hell, the big bang theory might be right, but I'll sitll believe God created the big bang process. ;D
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