Hey,does anyone know how to view your PS3 or Xbox 360 screen on your computer like you do for PSP (Remote Joy)?If you do then can you please tell me too? ^^
Nah, not remoteplay. You can only use your computer's monitor instead of a tv. To do this all you need is a HDMI --> DVI cable. There are many guides out there, google and you shall find. Here's an example: http://www.overclock.net/playstation/191028-how-play-your-ps3-through-your.html
Well I haven't heard of anything like that, and I'm not surprised, PS3 is too big a machine to use with a computer like PSP with remotejoy. Those stuff only come out for handhelds, like PSP, DS, etc. Those are the ones that use the fewest resources and are able to connect remotely.
Hmm don't know but here's the vid: [video=youtube;XVGMHRzNWhc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVGMHRzNWhc&annotation_id=annotation_350791&feature=iv[/video]
He's using the Aver MediaCenter software. He's got a capture card, connects the pc with his TV, and with the software he can see the TV screen in his computer screen. You can use it with PS3 I suppose, but you need a capture card. Here's the link for the software: http://www.avermedia-usa.com/avertv/mcs/mcs-1.html
ahh thanks majik. hmm well i guess then capture card is a must but how did he connect his tv with his pc?
I'm not sure what kind of capture card he's got, depending on what you have you get different cables to connect to the TV. Here's a guide with a few options of capture cards, and what extra cables you'll need: http://community.eu.playstation.com...to-record-your-gameplay-Look-here/m-p/8082299
I know its a bump but you need to "buy" (atleast for the xbox ones) a software for it: http://www.tech-forums.net/pc/f15/ps3-controller-windows-vista-7-64bit-207193/ Also you need a wired ps3 controller not a wireless one or one with a play and charge unless you have 90-200 dollars for the adaptor. Well, actually I have no idea for the ps3 adaptors but I'm possitive you need it to be wired, or play and charge kit I think that should work.