Hey guys i need some help with PDF files,first can you giys tell me how to CREATE a PDF files with multiple pics e.g. like Strategy guides,visual Art books and etc. and second do you know how to CONVERT a PDF files into JPG,BMP,PNG etc. formats??thanks ^^
hey zeb I saw your post and did some research and found this here you go hope you enjoy!^^ http://www.print-driver.com/howto/convert_pdf_to_jpeg.html hope that helps"^^
If you have Photoshop, you can make the document look however you'd like, then save it as a .pdf (it says Photoshop .pdf, but it works the same). Only downside is that you have to do each page individually, but you can literally arrange the page however you'd like. Plus with Photoshop you can just save it as a .jpeg, .png, etc. Again, the only downside is that you have to do it one by one. It's pretty fast to do though. And if you need a trial version of Photoshop, you can search on Google. Adobe provides free, fully functional limited trials.
here you go zeb I did some more research and found found this hope this helps enjoy^^ http://www.tothepc.com/archives/create-pdf-files-containing-multiple-images-quickly/
I already have Adobe Photoshop CS4 full ^^ but thts the problem we have to make each one by one ^^" Thanks but well the size is REALLY HUGE for the outcomed PDF XDD but thanks for tryign though ^^